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Where Operation Recurrence have their second annual meeting

A/N: I know what you're thinking. 'Didn't we already do a chapter on Countryhumans?' Well,yes, but that was a special. Not plot related. Anyway, this chapter will be full of a lot of...whatever I'm about to write.


Kenya was never one to always appear early in meetings, especially one that included foreign nations. She preferred to go with her own flow which she claimed was the international African time. In her country, appearing at an event one hour after it has began was considered being early.

However, this was not a normal party she was attending. She could delay going to weddings,birthdays, local political events, bull fighting which is a famous tradition in her western regions, and even funerals. Only on the local scale because she knew how pissy some international nations could be about time. Though than never stopped her from arriving late.

The meeting was to be held secretly in Egypt who was more than willing to welcome Operation Recurrence. This time, Kenya had set a new record by being among the first foreign countries to arrive; the first one obviously being Germany.

While they did not say a thing, she could see how surprised they were. Honestly,she was surprised herself. Maybe because the meeting involved her citizen who had been missing for who knows how long. If she could be brutally honest, if it was another person who was missing she would not have been this invested. The Recurrence was not just an ordinary missing person.

The other members of Operation Recurrence had begun to arrive and she was busy passing time doing one of her favourite activities; posting memes on her anonymous accounts. However, she made sure to give niceties to the other countryhumans.

Most would think that she was being unserious by being nose deep in her screen. Unknowingly to them, they dismissed the fact that the country was alert and watching their every movements. It was not unusual,since countryhumans always had to be alert. It was how observant they could be that differed.

From her hooded eyelids, Kenya keenly observed the others. Germany was getting more uneasy as time went by but was hiding it well. The same could not be said for America whose agitation could not have been more clearer. He did not have to take off his sunglasses to show his obvious unrest. UK, France and Canada were next to him, having a decent conversation to the best of their ability.

Kenya was waiting for the man of the hour to arrive. She was eager to see the infamous individual who had successfully hidden himself from everyone in his self-proclaimed exile. She could be far from bothered with the whole conflict between ideologies. Their problems were not her problems, but they were fun to watch.

Discreetly looking left and right, Kenya opened her messaging app and clicked on the most recent contact.



My brudda.

Nigeria is now online

What now? Don't you know I'm a very busy man?

Busy where? I bet you are still in your pajamas,watching your movies while eating Jollof rice.

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