Four| 四

802 35 107

Where two worlds meet and you make a friend...who wants you dead

A/N: I am not a pro in describing fighting scenes so bear with me. Another reminder, italicized words are in English and different languages which will be indicated.



The crescent moon shone high in the night sky, albeit dully. Dark clouds sailed across wistfully, sometimes blocking the moonlight from reaching the earth surface. It was a clear evidence of rain that would fall at any given time during the night. If that wasn't enough of a sign to anyone outside, the thunder booming in the distance was enough evidence.

Kokushibou hated the rain. There was no particular reason as to why he did but he also found no reason to like it as well. It's like a song that you hear once and hate without an explanation while others may not share the same opinion. Not that he cared for those who did like the weather. He would rather choose to have long summers than endure a moment of rain, especially in a thunderstorm.

He was outside, as expected, staring down at the two humans he just killed. Once again, he had failed to find the flower that the demon progenitor desired so much without much of an explanation. All he could do as his right hand man was to follow orders and hopefully retain his strength and power. It would be beneficial if he would get more. The demon didn't really consider it a competition of who would find the blue spider lily first, but he hoped it would be him in the long run.

Speaking of the dead, he glared at the male demon slayer who had managed to cut the left sleeve off his kimono. The so-called hero just had to interfere when he was interrogating the young female who wore a black kimono with blue spider lilies embroidered on them about the aforementioned flower. In his annoyance from the demon slayer's intrusion, he slaughtered them both. So he lost a possible lead, his kimono needed repair and it was about to rain. It was safe to say he was going to snap at the next thing that got in his way.

Unfortunately for Kokushibou, it appeared in the form of a strange foreigner.

​​​​​"Damn clouds blocking the moon...oh. Who's there?" A voice behind him immediately made his guard rise up astronomically. How did he fail to notice someone was around, much less behind him a few meters away?

Turning his head to look back, his eyes meet the figure of a woman wearing a strange looking top and pants. A slingbag adorned her right side but that wasn't his main focus. Her face was partially covered by the hood of said clothing, but he could make out the dark complexion. It was obvious this female was a foreigner. The fact was further supported by the fluent English she had spoken, which he partially understood but never cared to learn more since foreign encounters were rare. Despite the hood, he could make out the expression of pure surprise along with...admiration?

​​​​​"Ah. You can understand me, right?" She asked, her hand consciously hanging over her bag. The six eyed demon did not bother responding and scanned her figure. There were traces of blood at the edge of her trousers, but she had no visible weapon. The foreigner did not seem to mind the lack of response.

She seemed to be observing him in a curious manner when her mouth formed an 'o' shape, as if she had remembered something. Looking away from him, she rummaged her bag and pulled out something wrapped in cloth. The demon watched silently, slightly intrigued by her lack of fear of him. Instead, she looked somewhat excited but the hood hid her eyes. After a brief moment, she revealed what was in the cloth and held it out for him.

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