Thirty| 三十

124 4 29

Where you have a 'summer' vacation and Tanjiro has a demon slaying montage

A/N: This is a brief recollection of the time you spend away from Tanjiro as he tries to be a capable demon slayer. This is coupled up with actual bonding moments with Kokushibou and an extra surprise at the end. English and other foreign languages are in Italics.


Montage go brrr



Tanjiro had to admit; fighting while carrying his sister on his back was not an easy feat.

He had just gotten done with completing his first mission as a demon slayer. By killing the Swamp Demon, he had saved a village that was terrorised by the number of young women gone missing and eventually revealed to be dead. It was a heartbreaking experience, especially since the last victim had left behind her distraught fiancé Kazumi and family.

He'd done his best to comfort the man but ultimately had to leave once he was called for another mission ahead by his crow without even a break. Nezuko was recovering in the wooden box that was partially her home during the day. She had done a good job with fighting the Swamp Demon and protected the two humans from being harmed or eaten.

"Caw! Head to the nearest village northwest! Rumours of a demon lurking there. Caw!"

"I'm heading to my next mission already?"

"Oh, yes, you are!"

"Hold on a moment!"

"Caw! No can do. You have to go there now!" The crow pulled on his haori with its beak and claws, flapping its wings impatiently. Tanjiro was exhausted but he knew he had to go on the mission regardless. It's what he had trained for.

"Alright! I'll go!"

The proud crow chirped in victory while Tanjiro had a small frown on his face. Looking at the sun in blue sky, he let out a tired sigh. If he reached the next village quickly and finished his task, maybe he would finally rest his body. Patting his uniform pocket, he could feel the coins sitting warmly in his purse.

"Can I at least buy something to eat on the road?" He asked his Kagusai crow who flew around his head.

"Caw! If you have the money for that, which I'm sure you don't, then sure. Caw!"

"Hey!" He pouted, slowing down a bit. "I have money, see?" Tanjiro removed the purse from under his haori and showed the coins that filled it to the brim. The crow's expression morphed into surprise.

"Caw! Where did you get all that money, Tanjiro?"

"A good friend of mine gave it to me a few days before I got my sword."

"They must be a really close friend to give you that much money."

Tanjiro chuckled, "Yeah, she is." He remembered the words the brown-skinned woman had told him while giving him the purse:

"This money I'm giving you is for food. Now that you'll be starting your missions, you have to make sure your body is energized even when you're not able to sleep. This purse better be empty when I return, okay?"

"I'll buy some food for you as well." He added with a bright smile, trying to appease his feathery companion.

"Hmmmm. Alright, but no more than five minutes! Caw!"

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