Nine| 九

796 27 100

Where you shift to a new era

A/N: This is it, my friends. The Meiji era is coming to a close. For that, I have something special planned. The song somehow inspired this chapter lol. English will be in Italics.



"Where is he?"

The question left your mouth for the umpteenth time as you leaned on a tree bark, a hand at your forehead as you scanned the surroundings. The sun had set and the sky was darkening, a few stars already visible to the naked eye. After a while longer, you simply gave up and allowed your tired hand to fall and rest at your side, the other holding firmly around the bark while the heels of your boots balanced on a sturdy branch.

"Man, I'm tired. I'll just continue searching tomorrow night." Muttering, you let your feet slip and did a free fall backwards from the conveniently tall tree you were using as a viewpoint along a hill. Halfway through the fall, you flipped so that your feet faced downwards and cushioned your landing on the dusty earth. Your hand moved up to remove the leaves in your hair and dusted off your light pink kimono that had been tucked in black pants —a nice gift you 'borrowed' from a random house.

Some considerable time had passed after the Final Selection and you had some positive developments for once in that damn universe. The one that held the most importance to you was more of your abilities were working albeit at a basic level. You resorted to use them often until it reached a point where they were effective enough to survive in Demon Slayer.

One such crucial ability was teleportation. You could use portals to go from one place to another to any part of the world. The distance did not matter but it could only be used sparingly as the farther you go, the more energy is spent. It also came in handy when in combat because you could be fighting on land then you throw your opponent through a portal and send them underwater or in an active volcano. Though that was seen as choosing the easy way out of a fight so you didn't use it as much. But that really depended on the situation.

In this case, the ability allowed you to travel faster around Japan. Contrary to popular belief and some theories, it wasn't necessarily a must to see the place you wanted to go in order to teleport there. If you had an up-to-date map of an area, you could point to a random location and imagine yourself to appear there. Then, you would mark a defining landmark in said location so that you teleporting there would be possible with a simple thought. For example the Statue of Liberty in New York, USA.

You had also managed to go to the major Tokyo districts at last and acknowledged the fast development of technology in the city. This was mostly due to foreign influence, especially European and American. You also noted the shift that was about to occur in the Japanese government and eras. Once again, you were grateful you didn't appear in the Sengoku Era. As much as you wanted to meet the legendary Yoriichi, it would have been a hassle to explain to Michikatsu/Kokushibou how you were still alive without aging once. Because again, you were a time traveler.

Speaking of the Uppermoon, you were busy searching for him. Why, because you were bored? Probably, but you had wanted to confirm if the plot had been completely altered by your brief acquaintanceship. This would determine your actions for the next few years. Yes, there was the whole killing the Hand Demon earlier than expected but that was nothing compared to unnerving and kind of befriending the original secondary antagonist of the anime/manga. If he had reverted back to the same demon before you met, then you would have to brace yourself and turn him to ashes.

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