500+ Reads Special

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A/N: This is a special chapter to celebrate 500+ reads on my book. I'm going to be honest, I did not expect to write until this point. This is my first ever book and to see all this appreciation warms my heart. I just wanna thank you all so much ❤️. Remember, if you ever feel down, remember that someone out there cares for you.

Alright, enough with the sappiness. Enjoy.


"...zuko....Nezuko...Nezuko,wake up!"

The female groaned as she threw the blanket over her head, not ready to leave the warmth of the futon. However, her brother was pretty insistent in waking her up.

The blanket was pulled off of her and she hissed, the cold air touching her skin. Opening her eyes, she glared at the object that dared to awake her from her sleep. Her brother brushed it off as he smiled brightly.

"Good morning, Nezuko. I know you want to sleep more but you have slept enough for one night."

Nezuko let her shoulders droop as she looked at her lap. She would have given him a piece of her mind were it not for the muzzle. Who was he to know if she had slept enough? Her body still felt exhausted. In the end, she saw his point and grudgingly got up.

Helping her to tidy up the room, Tanjiro leaves for his training with Urokodaki for the evening. The burgundy haired boy had adjusted himself to train at night on some days of the week like he suggested to the former Water Hashira, who agreed. He was quite impressed by the young man's determination to be a demon slayer.

As for Nezuko, she had woken up a few months ago, to her brother's delight. His willpower increased now that his sister was no longer asleep. However, due to the fact of her being a demon, she slept during the day and flourished at night while her brother slept after a long day of training.

Urokodaki-san had been welcoming to the demon and treated her kindly. She appreciated it, but did not like how her brother was undergoing extreme training. Of course she understood why, but it hurt her seeing Tanjiro all black and blue, probably with cracked bones.

The only thing that annoyed her was that the two practically trapped her the house. Tanjiro insisted that it was for her safety from demons and hostile humans, but that did not stop the claustrophobic feeling in her chest from growing each night.

All she wanted was to wander around for a stroll then return. She believed she would not get lost with her demon enhancements. So, she looked for an opportunity for one of them to forget locking the house.

And that night was her lucky night.

Tanjiro was quite in a hurry to leave, fearing the wrath of his trainer so he patted Nezuko's head twice and dashed out of the house. The demon walked next to the fireplace in order to keep herself warm, even though she could withstand the night breeze.

After waiting for ten minutes, she went to the door and shook it to see if it would budge, as she had done before. To her pleasant surprise, the door opened easily and it swung open, revealing the front of the house. Humming happily, she took a step outside and felt relief at getting out for who knows how long.

For a moment, she looked back, knowing that her brother might be disappointed and worried. The thought was quickly shaken out of her head. Convincing herself that she would not take long, she closed the door and began her short adventure. Kamado Nezuko would be back in no time. There was no way she would get lost.

𝙰 𝚏𝚎𝚠 𝚖𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛...

Nezuko got lost.

She didn't mean to, but the black and orange haired female had been distracted by fireflies. Her legs became automated as she followed them, drifting farther away from her temporary home. It was when she came upon a hill that she realised she had walked a far distance.

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