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Where the rogue demons join hands with The Recurrence and Co.

A/N: Please remember that the main character is black so the use of the N-word is bound to happen. You can simply read past it if you're uncomfortable. Foreign languages are in Italics.


Tamayo needed supplies for her clinic.

The week had been particularly busy for her and Yushiro. Patients came to them for aid as usual and they were always willing to help. She was especially lucky that none of the humans saw through her disguise and realised her true identity as a demon. An identity she deeply despised.

Yushiro was faithful and hardworking as ever, frequently asking his lady to take a break if she was too exhausted. Being the passionate doctor she was, she would politely decline and say that her job was to assist her patients and that couldn't happen if she was asleep. Of course, Yushiro would back down and respect her wishes.

They would have to go around Asakusa again as per routine to get the much needed materials. Unlike other days, the duo was more alert than usual. They double checked their house in case of any intruders and Yushiro put an extra cloaking spell.

Walking around the town, the duo conversed over interesting topics while buying the items they required. One such topic was the ongoing world war. Things had escalated and the Belgian government had collapsed and became a German puppet. Russia was in the heat of revolution and USA threatened to join the war after German submarines continued to attack their merchant ships, killing some of their people.

The attack on the stormtroopers had caused the Imperial Deutschland to be upset and there were rumours that it would directly target The Recurrence and Co. They tried to spread propaganda of the 'unjust' attack on their troops, but a testimony from the now former commander of the battalion of how they stopped fighting to help a woman in labour earned the duo more public respect.

The allies were getting desperate on the Western front, especially France which was devastated by the loss of her neighbour Belgium which it had swore to protect and Russia potentially leaving the war. Thankfully the African front was working in their favour, having captured the German colonies and subdued their men.

People around the world were against the pointless war. Many began to see the point of The Recurrence who revealed to the journalist that they just wanted to save civilians and the war to end. Slowly as the days passed, The Recurrence was getting favour and the warring nations began to receive pressure to stop the war.

Japan was rapidly progressing, only suffering some losses of their men as they assisted the allied powers in the war. However, the economic growth was making ordinary people poorer while the rich got richer. And that night, Asakusa was bustling as ever.

Tamayo and Yushiro strolled the streets, getting the supplies they needed. As they walked around, an overwhelming aura filled their senses and made them stop on their tracks. Tamayo's breath slightly hitched as she looked at the ground. The aura was overpowering and intimidating. Yushiro had a worried expression as his eyebrows furrowed.

"Lady Tamayo, what is--"

"Wait a moment, Yushiro." She shushed him as her eyes scanned the people moving around them. They lingered until they made eye contact with a certain individual on the other side of the street with black and red hair, his face slightly covered by a dark blue scarf. It did not take long to recognise the disguised demon as the Uppermoon One.

His eyes were intense as they met the doctor's eyes, the kanji flashing brightly in his two golden middle pair. A taxi passed between them and he no longer stood in that spot.

Ascend The Multiverse|多元宇宙を昇る [Kny x Black!Reader x Countryhumans]Where stories live. Discover now