Twenty Four| 二十四

190 7 131

Where the boomer catches on

A/N: Did you really think Urokodaki would not sense something was up with Tanjiro? He may be old but his sense of smell and intuition is sharp as ever. English and Swahili are in Italics.


Sakonji finds out about the duo; Kokushibou finds out about Nezuko.


Urokodaki Sakonji considered himself a patient man.

He was a reserved and respected water breath user and former hashira who served the Demon Slayer Corps with loyalty. His strictness and dedication to his task of slaying demons earned him plenty of admiration in his prime. Even when retired, he was praised as one of the best cultivators

Still, many demons and fellow demon slayers found it hard to believe that someone with such a gentle face would be able to kill demons with such ruthless efficiency. That made him resort to wearing the trademark tengu mask that framed his face.

The silver haired man really was a kind man underneath his overall strictness. Though for the last couple of years, he has faced some internal conflict. Conflict that revolved around his greatest mistake; sealing the Hand Demon in Mount Fujikasane.

Because of that, he lost eleven of his students to the vengeful abomination. Every time he sent a student to the Final Selection, he lost hope for their survival. Then, when he got the three most promising students yet, he was quite scared. The trio were young; the youngest fourteen. Sakonji tried his best to delay them from going to the test, but their determination and stubbornness pushed him until he gave up and let them go.

A part of him was already mentally preparing for the crow that would deliver the terrible news that they had succumbed. Another selfish part hoped that they would flee safely but that would be selfish and cowardice, a grave crime in the demon slayer code.

Then that fateful night, he saw three figures stumbling and limping on their feet towards his lone but homely cabin. In disbelief, he opened the door and saw Giyuu, Sabito and Makomo alive and well with noticeable bruises and blood stains.

Yet the overjoyed male did not care as he hugged them tightly, tears streaming down his face underneath his mask. Even when they tried to explain strenuously what happened, he shushed them and showed his vulnerability for the first time.

"I'm so glad you are alive." His voice had slightly cracked, his old soul thanking the spirits he had prayed to for their lives.

As the trio recovered, the cultivator was surprised to know that the Hand Demon had been taken down by a female foreigner. They were speaking over each other excitedly with awe and he had to make them slow down so that he could get the clear picture.

That is when Sakonji realised that a young woman with an unexplainable power managed to decapitate the demon with a unique sword which did not look to be made from the special nichirin metal. Even Giyuu, his reclusive student, had sparkles in his eyes when describing his saviour who didn't even appear to use a breathing technique when slaying the atrocity.

However, when asked if they saw her after the Final Selection ended, they could not respond. Sabito was dead set in believing she was alive but left before they arrived. Makomo was a bit skeptical. Giyuu had been silent but the tengu wearer could see the hope in his eyes that the female was alive.

A lot of time had passed since that day. Urokodaki had gotten no news about the female from his fellow cultivators in other breathing styles. Even Ubuyashiki himself was curious after getting the report from his children who oversaw the event. However, no one had a clue about the foreigner. In the meantime, Sakonji trained four more people, three of them surviving in the Final Selection.

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