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⋆﹥───── ❝ 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 ❞ ─────﹤⋆

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⋆﹥───── ❝ 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 ❞ ─────﹤⋆

𝑳𝒚𝒓𝒂'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽

I looked up at Hongjoong as a smile spread across his lips, one that I couldn't quite decipher. He then looked down the hallway where Jongho was just standing before moving out of the way.
"Come on in love."
Not saying a word, I walked past him into the bedroom, it was neat, and a lot of music stuff covered the room.
'So he must be a producer.'
"You can sit on the bed. Make yourself comfortable."
He said as he walked past me, his hand brushing against my side. I watched him as he walked over to his desk, taking a seat. My phone buzzed against my side, so I pulled it out before walking over to his bed.
Taking a seat, I crossed my legs underneath me, taking a moment to appreciate how comfortable his bed was. It was very plush and not firm at all.
My eyes then traveled to the back of Hongjoong's head. He was focused on something that was sitting in front of him. Scrunching my eyebrows together, 'Why would he want me to come here if he's just going to work?' I thought to myself before letting out a small sigh.
Turning on my phone again, I noticed that I had a few more messages from Maia. Opening her contact, I read them.
'So, have you met all of the guys yet?'
Smiling, I typed a message before hitting send, 'yeah, they all seem nice.'
My eyes then went back to the red-haired male, who was still focused on whatever was in front of him. Not paying me any mind whatsoever.
Rolling my eyes, I just backed out of my messenger before I went to my socials. When I opened them, I noticed that a few of my friends had posted vacation pictures. Liking them, I scrolled down only to see that one of the girls that I went to high school with was pregnant. Which reminded me that I needed to be taking my birth control. Especially with this job, I didn't want to take any chances.
Another message from Maia popped up on my phone screen, 'like nice or nice nice?'
I couldn't help but laugh before I opened the messenger once again, 'just nice Maia, nothing like that has happened yet.'
I rolled my eyes again with a smile, completely missing the look that I was getting from Hongjoong. Then my legs started to go numb from me sitting on them, so I moved myself to the middle of the bed, tucking my legs to my side.

It has been about thirty minutes since I've come to Hongjoong's room, and he hasn't said a word to me once. I was lying on my back with my phone above me, playing a game that I had downloaded.
"What are you doing, love?"
'Oh, so now he wants to pay attention to me.'
I just ignored him, continuing to play my game. He had been ignoring my presence for the last half hour. It was only fair that I just ignored him when he tried to get my attention.
His voice was closer, but I didn't spare him a glance as I beat the level with a smile, "Yes!"
The bed dipped at my feet, but I ignored his presence as I started the next round. I watched as the little guy ran across my screen with a smirk.
There was a threatening tone in his voice, but I didn't pay it any mind as I got closer to the finish line. The closer I got, the wider the smile got on my lips.
Just then, a hand wrapped around my ankle before my body was pulled across the bed, and my phone fell from my hands next to my head. Looking up with wide eyes, Hongjoong was leaning over me.
"Ah, now I have your attention."
He smirked as he leaned closer, his arms on either side of my head, trapping me between his body and the bed. I could feel the heat causing my face to turn red as I met his eyes.
"You know, love, it's not the smartest choice to ignore me..."
His head tilted to the side as he looked down at me. His eyes were hooded and dark. The smell of his cologne flooded my senses.
"You were ignoring me first."
My words came out airy as I searched his face, the close proximity causing my brain to malfunction. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow as his head leaned down closer to my face.
"If you hadn't left me waiting so long, I wouldn't have done that." His nose brushed against mine, causing my breath to hitch in my throat, "now would I?"
I then became very aware of his body pressed against mine, one of his hands next to my head while the other was sitting on my thigh. He hummed, and I could feel the vibrations reverberating through my body.
When he didn't get an answer out of me, he squeezed my thigh, gaining a gasp from my lips. No words were forming, so I just shook my head, which only caused him to chuckle. The sound sends a wave of heat through my body.
My eyes flickered from his eyes down to his lips before going back to his eyes. The smirk widened on his face, and he then moved closer to my face. My eyes fluttered close as I felt his warm breath fan over my lips. My heart started beating like crazy underneath my rib cage.
"I can see how much you want to kiss me."
My eyes snapped open when I felt his lips against my ear. Heat flushed my face. He placed a small kiss against my jawbone, causing my heart to flutter.
"But you'll have to wait for that love~"
He whispered against my skin as he kissed my jaw once more before he moved away from me completely.
Shocked, I just looked up at the ceiling with wide eyes before the sound of Hongjoong's chucking caught my attention. Sitting up partially, I looked at him in astonishment.
"Don't be too impatient now~"
He sent a wink my way before turning and walking back to his desk.
'What the HELL just happened?!'
I blinked a few times before falling back onto the bed, the events replaying in my mind. My fingers then brushed over the skin where Hongjoong had kissed me.
I could feel my face turning red due to embarrassment.
However, a knock at the door drew me away from the thoughts in my head.
"Hey Joong, is Lyra in there?"
The sound of San's voice came from the other side of the door. Sitting up, I moved to the edge of the bed.
Looking over, I met Hongjoong's eyes as he watched me. Sparing him one last glance, I made my way to the door, opening it. On the other side, San stood there looking at me with a raised eyebrow.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
I shrugged, trying to play it cool even if I could feel Hongjoong's eyes burning into my back.
"Okay... well, I was about to go to the park for a run and was gonna see if you wanted to join."
A trip to the park did seem nice, but then I was reminded of the very full suitcases that were waiting to be put away.
"I would, but I still need to put my clothes away."
San pouted, causing me to giggle softly. However, the feeling of Hongjoong's eyes was becoming too much.
Walking out into the hallway, I shut the door behind me.
"I'll go with you another day, I promise."
San squinted his eyes at me, but he nodded nonetheless.
"You better keep your promise."
"I will, you big baby."
I laughed as we walked down the hallway, bumping into his shoulder. 


I hummed to myself as I hung the last of my shirts up in the closet before closing the suitcase and moving it to the side. Walking out of the closet, I looked over at the clock that was sitting on my bedside table.


My eyes went wide because I hadn't realized that I had missed lunch, let alone that it was already so late. Just then, I heard a knock at my door, so I walked over and opened it, only to find Yunho standing there.
"Hey, beautiful."
Heat rushed up my neck at the pet name, "Hey."
"Jongho just got done cooking dinner. Come eat."
My stomach rumbled at the mention of food, causing me to facepalm while Yunho chuckled.
"Did you forget to eat lunch?"
"Yeah, I lost track of time unpacking."
I sighed as I stepped out of my room, shutting the door behind me. We then made our way downstairs.
When we walked into the dining room, I noticed that all of the other guys were already sitting at the table. Yunho walked over and took his seat at the end of the table next to Mingi.
Looking around, I saw that the only seat open was between Wooyoung and Yeosang. Walking over, Yeosang didn't pay me any mind, but when Wooyoung noticed me, a smile spread on his lips.
"Hey Lyra, did you get all of your stuff unpacked?"
I returned his smile as I pulled the chair out and sat down. Pushing myself in. Then turning to him, his eyes already on me.
"I did, actually, though I did lose track of time."
A sheepish laugh fell from my lips as I tucked my hands underneath my thighs.
"It happens to the best of us, so don't worry."
"You aren't wrong."
I smiled at him before looking over at the other guys until my eyes caught Hongjoong's from across the table. The memories of what happened in his room replayed in my head, causing me to look away, flustered.
Trying my best to ignore Hongjoong, I just sat there, avoiding his eyes while eating and talking to Wooyoung.
"So Lyra, did you bring your camera with you?"
San asked, catching my attention. Looking away from Wooyoung, I met San's eyes before shaking my head.
"No, Maia broke it, and I haven't had the money to get a new one," I explained, and San just nodded with a slight pout; it was cute.
"You're into photography?" Wooyoung asked with wide eyes.
I nodded with a smile of my own, "I've always loved taking photos, but my phone can only do so much, you know..."
Wooyoung shrugged before taking another bite out of his dinner, "I don't, but I kinda get it."
I chuckled before going back to eating my food, not feeling full quite yet.
"Who's Maia?"
Looking over at Seonghwa, I wiped my lips, "She was my roommate and friend."
"Oh!" I mentally facepalmed, realizing what I said, "She's still my friend, and I lived with her before I moved in here."
With my further explanation, Seonghwa nodded his head before Yeosang started a conversation with him. My eyes trailed over the white-haired male's side profile. Trying to figure him out was going to be a hard task. A very hard task.

After dinner, I help Mingi and Wooyoung take all of the dishes into the kitchen. When they were all sitting in the sink, Wooyoung quickly rushed out of the room before either of us had a chance to say a word to him.
"That little shit..."
Mingi grumbled before he rolled his sleeves up and turned on the tap. I stood next to him, looking at all of the dishes.
"I can help."
I told the red-haired male as I pulled my hair back out of my face. Mingi looked over at me with a raised eyebrow.
"It's fine. I've got this."
He said before starting to clean the dishes, and I just looked at him with a deadpan expression. Completely ignoring what he said, I went to reach for a plate.
"Let me help-"
I was cut off by Mingi grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards him, trapping me between his body and the counter.
My heart rate spiked as I looked up to meet his dark eyes. He leaned down until he was face-to-face with me and gave me a smile. However, the smile seemed a little more sinister than a normal smile.
"Don't worry about the dishes. You just sit there and look pretty, alright, princess?"
My eyes traveled over his facial features as my face turned red, and my ears felt like they were burning. With a quick nod, he pushed away from me before going back to the dishes.
After a moment, I snapped out of my daze before looking over at Mingi. His gaze focused on the dishes. Not really sure that my heart could handle any more stress. I just decided that it would be best just to let him have his way. So I jumped up and sat on the empty countertop that was next to Mingi.
Noticing this, Mingi looked up at me, a smirk pulling on the corner of his lips. "Good girl."



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