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⋆﹥───── ❝ 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 ❞ ─────﹤⋆

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⋆﹥───── ❝ 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 ❞ ─────﹤⋆

𝑳𝒚𝒓𝒂'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽

My words caught in my throat as I felt both of their gazes on me. Heat flushed across my face and ears as I tried to pry Wooyoung's hand off of my face. When he didn't get an answer from me. Wooyoung stood from his spot, his hand still firmly holding my face.
"Cat got your tongue, babygirl?"
Wooyoung purred as he leaned down, leveling his face to mine. A smirk pulled on the corner of his lips. Having him so close and the scent of his cologne sent my senses into overdrive as a wave of heat was sent straight into my core.
I opened and closed my mouth, trying to find the words, but was left with nothing as I sat here looking like a fish out of water. Wooyoung chuckled as he squeezed my face, my hand wrapped around his wrist loosely.
"Who was it that got to mark that pretty neck first?"
San asked as he walked over, a dark, lustful look in his eyes as he looked down at me. My eyes flickered between both of the males. My brain was working properly, so I wasn't able to push the words off of my tongue.
Wooyoung clicked his tongue, pulling on my face, making me face him once more. An annoyed expression was now present on his features.
His tone was demanding, causing a chill to go down my spine, my eyes not leaving his. Getting closer to my face, I could feel his warm breath brush over my lips. My eyes fluttered shut as a shaky breath left my lips.
I felt Wooyoung's lips brush over mine, and the smell of mint flooded my senses. A hand crept behind my head, grabbing my hair and yanking my head back. A moan slipped through my lips as my eyes opened, meeting San's dark ones.
"Not even two nights in, and you already let one of the guys put their hands on you." He growled, bringing his face closer to mine.
"And you tried hiding it from us, too," Wooyoung added, his lips brushing the underside of my jaw.
A chill went down my spine as Wooyoung's fingers brushed over the skin on my neck before hooking around the collar of my hoodie. San then brought my attention back to him when he tugged on my hair once more.
"S-San." A whimper left my lips as the burning in my scalp started to cause tears to fill my eyes.
"Just how many do you have?"
San questioned with a tilt of his head, his breath fanning my face. Suddenly very aware of how close Wooyoung was to my body, I couldn't help the thoughts that ran through my mind at the moment. Heat pooled between my thighs as a breathy sigh left my lips.
"I need an answer, kitten."
The dark-haired male tugged on my hair again, causing me to moan once again. Trying to close my legs, I was stopped by Wooyoung's body, seeing as he was standing between my thighs.
Wooyoung's hand gripped my thigh tightly with a smirk on his lips, "no can do, sweetheart~"
I whined only to be cut off when San's breath was felt against my ear. He nipped at my earlobe, causing my heart to start beating even more. Wooyoung's lips then fell onto my neck, biting the already sore spots.
"Why don't we find out for ourselves, hmm?"
San purred his hand, finally leaving my arm to lean onto the bed, further against me. Another moan slipped from my mouth as Wooyoung bit down on the junction of my neck, causing San to chuckle.
"Quiet, baby, the others will hear."
My hand found his shirt trying to find some kind of anchor, my head tilting to the side, giving Wooyoung more access to my neck.
"Look at you, we've barely even started, and you're already so needy." Wooyoung teased as his kisses trailed up to my jaw.
Both of them detached their lips from my skin, causing me to look at them confused. Wooyoung chuckled as San moved to sit behind me, moving my hair away from the side of my neck. Planting a small kiss on the skin right under my ear. A sigh left my lips as I leaned back on the male.
"Don't forget about me, babygirl~"
Wooyoung put his hands on my thighs, squeezing softly, making another moan leave my mouth. With a satisfied smirk, he leaned down, connecting his lips to mine. His lips tasted like a mixture of mint and strawberries, leaving me almost breathless.
His tongue brushed against my bottom lip, and I granted him access, letting him explore my mouth. Our tongues danced together as my fingers slipped around the back of his neck, pulling him closer to me.
"Don't forget about me, baby~"
San's voice purred in my ear as his hand slipped under my hoodie sitting on my hip. His fingers are sending sparks all across my skin. When his lips connected with my skin, I lost all concentration on Wooyoung.
He bit down on my bottom lip, pulling my attention right back to him. One of his hands now sat on the side of my neck, opposite to the side San was on. Deepening the kiss as more heat pooled in the pit of my stomach.

A knock was then heard from the bedroom door causing San to pull away with a groan. Wooyoung pulled away a moment after leaving both of us breathless, my heart beating rapidly.
"Who the hell would that be?"
San mumbled before getting up from his spot on the bed and moving to the door. When he opened it, I couldn't see who it was due to the door being in the way as well as Wooyoung's body.
"What do you want, Mingi?"
As I tried to catch my breath, I watched San as he looked at Mingi with an annoyed gaze.
"I've been messaging you for the last half hour, man. You were supposed to help me with that paper," Mingi grumbled.
"Shit... right..."
San trailed off to say something else, but my gaze was turned back to Wooyoung when he brushed his lips against my jaw. Light and teasing, causing my body to shiver.
"That expression suits you, babygirl~"
"Woo..." I breathed out as he started kissing my jaw once more.
His lips traveled from my cheek to my lips, kissing me deeply. All while his hand trailed from my thigh to my hip, pushing my hoodie up.
His fingers were cold, unlike San's warm ones making my whole side to break out in goosebumps. When he bit my lips again, I had to suppress a moan in hopes that Mingi wouldn't hear. Just then, the thought of him actually seeing this turned me on even more.
Wooyoung then pulled away again, causing me to whine softly, and he chuckled before leaning in, close to my ear.
"Why don't you come back here tonight, and I'll show you just how much better I am than Hongjoong."
His voice was deep and husky, causing my head to spin, but when he pulled back to look me in the eye, I took my chance. Leaning in, our noses were touching.
"Then you'll just have to prove it to me~" I teased him with a small smirk.
He chuckled darkly before grabbing my neck softly, pulling me even closer, our lips almost touching once again. However, the smirk never left my lips.
"Also, isn't Lyra in here?" When I heard my name, my eyes flickered over to the door.
With a roll of his eyes, Wooyoung pulled away from me completely, leaving me to sit on the bed by myself.
"Yeah, why?"
"Seonghwa wanted to see if she wanted to help him cook dinner."
San clicked his tongue before looking over his arm, right at me. With a raised eyebrow, he then looked over at Wooyoung, who was grumbling to himself as he sat at his desk.
Finally able to catch my breath for once in the past hour or so, I stood from the bed, fixing my hoodie and hair. Walking over to the door, I stood next to San, looking at Mingi with a small smile.
"Tell him that I'll be down in just a moment."
"Will do."
Mingi returned my smile before his attention was brought back to San, asking him about their homework once more. I then walked over to the bathroom that was connected to Wooyoung's room.



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