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⋆﹥───── ❝ 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 ❞ ─────﹤⋆

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⋆﹥───── ❝ 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 ❞ ─────﹤⋆

𝑳𝒚𝒓𝒂'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽

It was early in the morning and I was in the kitchen cleaning up so we wouldn't have to rush to do it later. Music was playing softly in the background because some of the boys were still sleeping.
Everything in the kitchen was almost done. I just had the dishes and trash left to do, but they shouldn't take too long. Moving over to the sink I was stopped by a pair of arms around my shoulders. Turning my head I found a very half-asleep Wooyoung behind me.
"What are you doing?" His voice was husky and deep causing my stomach to do flips.
I cleared my throat, "Cleaning up."
"Didn't you just do that the other day?"
Turning my head the other way I watched as San walked into the kitchen, tossing his hair. I just shrugged before turning the tap on. Wooyoung kept his hold on me, his face buried in the crook of my neck. I was sure he'd fall back asleep if I let him.
"Yeah, what about it?"
Wooyoung hummed, sending vibrations through my neck while San walked over, standing next to the sink. His arms were crossed over his chest.
"Why are you cleaning? I'm sure someone else can do it."
I paused, looking at him with a raised eyebrow, "because I told them that I had it."
San just rolled his eyes while I went back to cleaning the dishes, just then Wooyoung unwrapped his arms, taking the heat with him. A chill ran down my spine at the sudden temperature change.
San's voice was right behind me now and before I could even say a word his arms wrapped around my waist and he picked me up off my feet.
"San!" I exclaimed with a small giggle, wiggling in his arms.
"You've done more than enough, so you are going to sit there while we finish cleaning."
There was a sense of finality in his words causing me to pout as he sat me back down on my feet in front of the stool. Seeing the pout on my face he leaned forward placing a small kiss over my lips. My cheeks heated up as he pulled away leaving me standing there shocked.
He smirked as he pulled away from me walking over to the sink, Wooyoung then took his spot. I laughed softly as he pouted at me, sleep still very evident on his features.
"Did San wake you up?" I asked with a small smile and he nodded shuffling closer to my body, "Ah you poor thing."
Wooyoung wrapped his arms loosely around my body before burying his face in the crook of my neck once more. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see San roll his eyes as he dried one of the bowls off.


After everything was cleaned Wooyoung laid down on the couch while San went to take a shower. I knew that Wooyoung would fall asleep on the couch, but the poor guy looked like he could use a nap so I let him be.
I checked the time seeing that it was almost two, 'shit I'm running out of time!'
Quickly I rushed up to the hall closet, almost running into Jongho on the way there. I apologized, causing him to laugh softly while I opened the door.
"Why are you in such a rush?"
"I'm trying to get everything set up before I take a shower and get around."
I explained to him as I reached up into the closet to grab some of the party games, stacking them in my arms. I almost had them all, but there was one in the back that I couldn't quite reach. Suddenly I lost my balance causing my body to stumble to the side, a small squeak left my lips. My free hand flew out to grab something to keep my balance, but I couldn't grab anything.
However, before I could hit the ground, arms wrapped around my waist, holding me upright. The games were scattered all over the floor, but luckily still in the boxes.
Looking up with wide eyes I met Jongho's soft brown eyes, "you okay?"
The words got caught in my throat as I realized just how close we were. The smell of his cologne invaded my senses as I nodded softly. He helped me stand upright before I bent down to grab the fallen boxes. Jongho followed my actions, grabbing two of the boxes, and holding them out to me. I grabbed them and once they were in my arms he moved over grabbing the one at the top of the closet.
My nose scrunched up when it occurred to me that he was just watching me struggle to get that box.
"Were you just watching me try and grab that?"
He chuckled as he placed the box on top of the others in my arms, "It was cute watching you hop like a little rabbit."
My face flushed at his words, leaving me speechless. Flustered, I turned and walked into the living room leaving Jongho there laughing.
I sat the games down on the table before standing straight, patting my warm cheeks.
'They really just say what's on their mind don't they?!'
Shaking my head a little I walked into the dining room seeing that the cups were still sitting on top of it. Thanking whoever sat them there I walked into the kitchen grabbing the ping pong balls out of the drawer. I then walked back out of the kitchen sitting the balls on top of the table beside the cups before making my way towards the stairs.
Just as I took the first step I saw Yunho walking down wearing a pair of distressed jeans and a t-shirt with red and blue flags on it. He looked good.
Catching sight of me he smiled, "Where are you headed, beautiful?"
"I still need to clean up and get dressed."
Making his way down the steps to stand right next to me, his smile turned into a smirk, "Why not just wear that? You look good."
I looked up at him with a tight-lipped smile before motioning to my body, "Yunho, I am literally in an oversized t-shirt and shorts."
His eyes trailed down the length of my body before meeting my eyes once more, "exactly."
I just rolled my eyes as he leaned down, placing a soft kiss on my cheek before pulling away. Shaking my head softly I jogged up the steps before I remembered something.
"Yunho." I called out hoping he didn't get too far, luckily he didn't as his head popped around the corner, "Wooyoung is asleep on the couch, can you make sure to wake him up before the others show up?"
"Can do."
"Thank you!" I turned and started making my way up the stairs once more.
"You're welcome, beautiful."

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