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⋆﹥───── ❝ 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 ❞ ─────﹤⋆

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⋆﹥───── ❝ 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 ❞ ─────﹤⋆

𝑳𝒚𝒓𝒂'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽

Walking into the store the first thing that I grabbed was one of the carts in the little cart holder or whatever you wanna call it. After grabbing one I looked over my shoulder to see Mingi lagging behind me, his eyes on the ground.
"Be careful not to run into anything."
I mumbled before walking further into the store. My hope was that if I just mindlessly walked up and down the aisle hoping that Mingi would eventually tell me what was going on. So that's what I started doing, the first aisle was one filled with different snacks and chips and whatnot.
Looking at all of the snack cakes I found a few that I wanted, so I reached out and grabbed a few of the boxes. After sticking them in the cart I started walking once more, checking every so often to make sure that Mingi was still behind me.

It has been about fifteen minutes since we've gotten to the store and Mingi has yet to say a word. I had almost run out of aisles to go down and we were getting closer to the alcohol selection. If he still hasn't said anything by the time we get there I'll just give up.
Humming softly to myself I looked at the random shit on the shelves. What in the world would you even make with this? I reached out grabbing a jar of something that did not look appetizing whatsoever.
Mumbling I put the item back on the shelf where it was once more with a disgusted look. Just then I felt my phone buzz in the back pocket of my shorts. Pulling it out I turned on the device seeing that I had a message from Maia.
'How is it that I found out about a party from your boy toy and not from my best friend??'
My lips pulled into a tight smile seeing as I completely forgot to message her about the party. Rereading her message my eyebrow raised, she didn't have to call whoever it was a 'boy toy'.
'Don't call him a boy toy Maia and I'm sorry I got sidetracked.'
I leaned against the cart as I pushed it further down the aisle, still looking at the phone screen. Another message from Maia then popped up causing my phone to buzz.
'My bad, San messaged me, but that party?'
'Yes, you're invited.'
I sighed as I typed the message before sending it, then shutting the phone screen off. Starting to move down the aisle once again, but this time I was stopped by a tug on the back of my hoodie. Looking over my shoulder I saw Mingi's arm outstretched to grab my hoodie like a small child would. Smiling softly at the sight I looked further up to see that he was still watching the ground.
"At school, there was this big misunderstanding with the dance coach."
His voice was soft as he looked up to meet my eyes, guilt pooling in them. What kind of misunderstanding would cause them to fight like that? Seeing the confusion on my face he continued.
"There's this girl that really liked Yunho, but she already had a boyfriend." Mingi started and I almost had to stop myself physically when I heard that some girl liked Yunho. "She was always touchy with Yunho, he didn't like it so he would always push her away."
"Let me guess she kept coming back?"
I could kind of see where this was gonna go, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't piss me off either.
"Yeah. No matter how many times Yunho told her to stop she wouldn't listen, that was until he ended up snapping at her one day." I curled my lips in order to keep myself from saying anything, "he told her to fuck off and bother her own boyfriend which caught a lot of attention."
At this point, Mingi had let go of my hoodie and stuffed them into his sweatpants pockets. My hands were wrapped tightly around the cart handle.
"Her boyfriend found out about everything and broke up with her so she got pissed at both Yunho and I."
My eyebrows scrunched together, "why would she get mad at you?"
"She thought I was the one putting it in Yunho's head that she wasn't good enough for him."
My jaw tightened at his words, because why was a grown woman acting like a child? Yunho had told her multiple times to quit but she wouldn't, did she not think there would be repercussions? Not only that but she had the audacity to get mad at not only Yunho but Mingi too, like what the hell is wrong with her?
"The next day the dance coach told Yunho that he was suspended from practice due to 'indecent behavior' which pissed him off. I mean who wouldn't it piss off, but then he started blaming me."
Mingi's eyebrows scrunched together as a look of annoyance and guilt flashed across his face. I on the other hand looked at him confused, because why would Yunho blame him? None of it was making any kind of sense.
"Evidently Soojin had told the coach to make it seem like I was the one that told him."
"Have you talked to the coach or Yunho?"
"Coach just says that what's done is done, there's nothing he can do." He grumbled, anger flashing in his eyes, "and Yunho just won't listen to me."
Sighing I nodded my head softly, there has to be a way to get them to talk this all out. Though I'm sure Mingi wouldn't be the issue, it would be Yunho that was gonna be the problem. However, if he would listen to me maybe, just maybe I could get him to just listen to Mingi. That was it, I was going to make Yunho listen to Mingi whether he liked it or not.
"Well, he's going to." I started as I turned back around and pushed the cart down the aisle, "come on."
"I'm telling you Lyra, every time I've tried to explain it to him he just gets angry and it causes a fight."
"Well this time he's going to listen, I don't care."
I heard Mingi sigh as we turned down the alcohol aisle, he knew he wouldn't win this argument even if he tried. Going down the aisle I either grabbed what we needed or pointed to where it was for Mingi to grab.
After we had all of the stuff that San had sent me on the list I grabbed a few things that I knew Maia and I would actually drink before we headed to the checkout.
We stood at the registrar as the cashier rang everything up before asking to see my ID which I took out of my wallet to show him. Once everything was cleared and rang up I could see Mingi in the corner of my eye pull out his wallet.
However, I was quicker and bumped him out of the way, surprising him before I put my card in the card reader. I wasn't about to let him pay, nor was I gonna use the money San sent me. I would send it back to him when we got back to the house.
"Hey, I could have gotten that."
"And? It's already paid for, come on."
I gave him a playful smile with a wink before pushing the cart toward the exit.

After everything was in the car Mingi put the car in one of the outside cart holders before he got into the car with me. I pulled my phone out of my pocket messaging Seonghwa to see if Yunho was still downstairs. When he said that he was I turned my phone off and looked over at the red-haired male who had just finished putting his seatbelt on.
"You'll get to explain everything to Yunho when we get to the house."
I told Mingi and he just looked at me confused but didn't say a word.
Starting up the ignition I looked around to make sure no one was coming before backing out of the parking spot.
Just as I was pulling out of the parking lot Mingi reached over and turned the radio on. The music was playing quietly as we drove down the street, then I remembered something.
"Who's Misun?"
My question seemed to catch him by surprise seeing as he looked over at me with wide eyes. However, after a few seconds, they relaxed as he sat back in his seat.
"She's my cousin."
I couldn't help a small sigh of relief when I heard that it was his cousin and not some girl that he had been seeing. Mingi chuckled in his seat next to me which meant he heard it.
"Don't worry princess, there isn't anyone else."
My face started heating up as my fingers tightened around the steering wheel, 'dear lord...'


Pulling into the driveway I put the car in park before looking over at Mingi who had been playing on his phone the whole ride back.
"Come on."
I hummed before pulling the keys from the ignition and opening the door. Walking towards the trunk of the car I went to open it only to stop when I felt arms wrap around my waist.
"Don't worry about that baby, just go inside and make sure they don't kill each other."
San's deep voice reverberated against the side of my neck as he spoke before he placed a kiss on the side of it.
"We've got this."
Looking over I met Wooyoung's eyes as he opened the trunk and grabbed a few bags. San then let me go following after Wooyoung. I then walked towards the house only to find Mingi standing by the front door, a nervous look on his face.
When he saw me he smiled softly before stuffing his hands in his pockets. I reached out and patted his arm with a smile of my own.
"Come on, it'll be fine."
I opened the door and let Mingi walk in before following behind him. Walking into the living room, Mingi made his way over to the couch and sat down, his hands interlocked with each other. My eyes then traveled over to the other taller male who was glaring at Mingi.
Yunho then started walking my way seeing as I was standing right in front of the doorway. Before he got too far though I grabbed his arm pulling him back.
"Yeah, no, go sit down," I told him, motioning to the other couch by Mingi.
Yunho's eyes narrowed, "get the hell out of my way Lyra."
I just rolled my eyes before yanking on his arm causing him to stumble back a little bit, "Sit your ass down." My tone was harsh as my eyes hardened.
The dark-haired male just scoffed, pulling his arm out of my grasp before reluctantly walking over to the couch, and sitting down.

Seonghwa and I watched the two as Mingi explained everything to Yunho. Who at first didn't want to hear any of what Mingi had to say at first, but slowly he started to understand what Mingi was saying.
Before two long the two had talked everything out and both of them apologized to each other.
"Oh thank god! Now we can have this party without them trying to kill each other!"
Wooyoung exclaimed as he walked over to stand right next to me. I, however, reached out and hit the back of his head.
"Ow! What was that for?"
"You didn't have to say that!" I hissed.
He just rolled his eyes with a shrug, "Just sayin."



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