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⋆﹥───── ❝ 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 ❞ ─────﹤⋆

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⋆﹥───── ❝ 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 ❞ ─────﹤⋆

𝑳𝒚𝒓𝒂'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽

"Make sure you answer my messages from now on!"
Maia pouted as she finished pulling her shoes onto her feet, stumbling a little. I smiled softly before helping balance her.
"I will, I promise. Now you need to go home and nurse that hangover."
I laughed as she looked at me with a hurt expression, "How are you not hungover?!"
My lips curled as memories of last night flashed through my mind. The lingering feeling of San and Wooyoung's touches brought a blush to my cheeks.
Noticing that Maia was now looking at me with a raised eyebrow I just shrugged softly, "I didn't fall asleep drunk."
A small smirk flickered across her lips leading me to believe that she knew exactly why I wasn't hungover.
"Nah you went to bed dick drunk."
I nearly choked on the air as the words fell from her lips and my eyes blew wide. Maia started laughing, clutching her stomach like it was the funniest thing she's ever said. I opened my mouth to respond to her outrageous statement, but quickly shut it when I heard footsteps from behind us.
Turning my head only to meet the dark, tired eyes of none other than Yeosang. His white hair was unkempt and he was still wearing his pajamas.
"Good morning Yeosang!"
Maia greeted the male with a cheerful smile as she grabbed her bag off of the coat rack. Yeosang met my eyes briefly before looking over at Maia with a tight-lipped smile.
Without another word, he made his way up the steps. I let out a small huff through my nose, was he still going to act like a dick? But was I gonna talk to him about it? Absolutely not. Yeosang turned his head slightly, catching my eyes again. Something flickered in his eyes, but I couldn't quite tell what it was.
However, it was gone as soon as it appeared and he turned away walking up the stairs leaving both Maia and I to watch as his figure disappeared around the corner. As soon as he was out of sight I reached forward and smacked Maia's arm. Hard.
"OW! What the hell Lyra?!"
She whined as she rubbed the razed skin on her upper arm. A glare adorned my face as I looked at her.
"You know exactly what that was for!" I hissed.
"You didn't have to hit me!"
Maia pouted as she continued to rub the red skin of her arm, but I just crossed my arms. It was far too early to listen to any of her unfiltered comments. With a small huff, she swung her bag over her shoulder and opened the front door.
"You better answer your phone!"
I rolled my eyes at her remark but nodded my head nonetheless before watching as the front door shut behind her.
Once I was sure that she had made it safely to her car without face-planting on the concrete I turned and walked towards the kitchen.

None of the guys were awake yet, well besides Yeosang, but I haven't seen any sign of the others. I knew for a fact that Woo and San weren't gonna be up for a bit. However, I was sure that the others were just as hungover if not worse.
Walking into the pantry I looked around for anything that looked appetizing. I wasn't very hungry which was a surprise because I normally wake up hungry after drinking.
Looking up I noticed a box of protein bars sitting on the top shelf, 'those should be okay.'
I curled my lips before reaching up to grab the box, but of course, it was just barely out of my reach. Pressing myself closer to the shelf I stood on my tippy toes, but it seemed like the more I tried to grab it the further it got.
"Oh come on!" I grumbled.
Just as I was about to give up I felt a sudden heat enveloping my body, a shadow cast over me. A hand then came into my peripheral before a wave of warm air wafted around my ear. My face and neck grew warm at the realization that someone was standing behind me.
"Need some help?"
His voice was enough to send a shiver down my spine and to top it all off his hand encased my waist as he grabbed the box. My body was stiff as he pulled the box down, placing it in my hands. Turning my head I was met with Jongho's teasing smile.
My voice came out meek as he moved away from my body, taking the heat with him.
"You're welcome, Angel."
I opened my mouth to say something but it would seem that my brain was in any state to put any coherent sentences together. Pressing my lips together I quickly grabbed one of the protein bars before shoving the box back on the shelf.
My brain seemed to be so clouded and for no reason, why did he have such an effect on me? More heat rushed to my face as I continued to think about it. I needed to escape.
I quickly rushed forward pressing a small kiss on Jongho's cheek before scurrying out of the kitchen. Though I could hear his deek chuckle from behind me as I walked through the living room.

Walking out of the bathroom I turned the lights off as I dried my hair a little more before throwing the towel in the hamper. I then made my way over to my closet, searching through my clothes for something to wear.
Opting for an oversized t-shirt and a pair of sweats I quickly pulled a pair of underwear up my legs followed by my pants. I then threw the shirt over my head as I walked out of the closet.
Fixing my shirt I grabbed my phone off of the nightstand, looking at the charge on it I just decided to leave it. Plugging it in I sat it back down before grabbing the blanket off of my bed.
I didn't want to spend the day in my room so I walked downstairs, blanket in hand. After getting comfy on the couch I grabbed the remote, turning the tv on.
"Hmm... what to watch..."
Humming, I searched for something to watch, but the only thing that caught my attention was some cartoon. Saying 'screw it' I pressed play before setting the remote back down on the coffee table.

I had watched maybe six or seven episodes when San walked into the living room with a pout on his lips. A small giggle left my lips as he plopped down on the couch next to me.
"Why did you leave?"
He whined as he lay against my side, eyes still drooping slightly. I uncovered my hand before brushing some of the hair out of his face.
"You guys-"
"You betrayed me!"
Wooyoung exclaimed as he walked into the room and much like San, a pout adorned his face. He crossed his arms over his chest like a child would.
"Woo I did not betray you." I laughed softly as I patted the spot next to me, "you guys were just smothering me."
Wooyoung huffed softly, but reluctantly walked over to me, sitting down. His head then landed on my chest, his arms snaking around my waist.
"You guys are such big babies."
I teased with a smile and Woo just whined, but San didn't make a noise causing me to look over at him. His eyes were shut and his breathing had slowed. He had fallen back asleep. Brushing the hair out of his face I pressed a soft kiss against his forehead.
"Not fair."
Wooyoung whined causing me to look over at him, his bottom lip was pursed out like a pouting child and his eyebrows were scrunched together. A small laugh left my lips as I tilted my head, pressing my lips against his creased forehead.
He hummed softly as I pulled away, burying his head in my chest causing me to shake my head.

We watched tv for a little bit longer, well... I did. Wooyoung and San had both fallen back asleep. Their grip was tight on my body probably scared that I'd run off again if they didn't hold on tight enough.
At the sound of footsteps I turned my attention away from the tv just as Yunho walked into the living room, his dark hair messy. I watched in amusement as he mumbled something before face-planting on the couch.
"Remind me to never drink that much again." He groaned, causing me to laugh.
"Have you taken any aspirin or anything?"
I asked, causing him to turn his head and look at me with soft eyes, melting me right to my core. His eyes traveled from my eyes to the rest of my body before meeting my eyes again.
"No... I just wanna sleep." He groaned which sent a shiver down my spine as he buried his face in the couch again.
I opened my mouth to tell him that he should probably take something before sleeping, but someone else walked into the room.
Looking over I saw Mingi running his hand through his cherry-red hair. However, the glasses that adorned his face caught my attention. He looked so much more innocent wearing them, it was cute.
"Good morning Mingi."
I greeted the taller male who sent me a small smile before sitting on the couch at Yunho's feet, leaning his head back. Knowing that they were all probably dealing with hangovers I just left them to rest while I watched tv.
After a little while I saw Jongho walking into the room out of the corner of my eye, phone in hand. Shifting my attention from the tv I met his gaze. Flashbacks from earlier this morning replayed in my head causing my face to head up.
"Were you hungry?"
He asked with a soft smile and I just blinked a few times, was it already close to lunchtime? How long have I been watching tv?
Deciding that it was probably pointless to question it I just returned his smile and nodded.
"Just text me what you want and I'll grab it," Jongho responded with a smile.
"Thank you Jongho!"
I thanked him as he turned and walked out of the room and he replied with a 'you're welcome' before the sound of the door was heard.



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