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⋆﹥───── ❝ 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 ❞ ─────﹤⋆

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⋆﹥───── ❝ 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 ❞ ─────﹤⋆

𝑳𝒚𝒓𝒂'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽

By the time we all got back to the house some of the guys were already back from their classes. So they helped us bring in the bags, not that there were very many, but being the gentlemen they are. Note the sarcasm. They wouldn't let me carry any of the bags inside.
"Are you going to set your camera up?" San asked as I sat down at the kitchen table, the box in my hands.
I nodded with a small smile before opening the box and pulling the device out. San stood next to my chair, watching what I was doing. Turning it on I smiled when the welcome screen popped up.
When the screen finished loading I made my way over to the settings so I could set everything to where I wanted it. While doing this Seonghwa walked back into the room with a plate of food.
Seonghwa sat the plate down in front of me causing me to look away from the screen and up at him. His eyes were focused on me, motioning to the food so I smiled and sat my camera down.
He didn't have to make me anything. I was more than capable of doing it myself, but it was sweet that he wanted to. So I started eating before looking over at Seonghwa once more seeing that he was walking back towards the kitchen.
"Thank you, Hwa."
The pink-haired male nodded to me before going into the kitchen. Once he was out of sight I took another bite of the food before picking my camera up once more. I wanted to get it set up so I could use it soon. Maybe I could go to the park one day and take pictures.
I smiled, making a mental note to talk to San about going sometime. When he wasn't busy with school of course.
The sound of footsteps took away my focus from the camera. When I looked up, I saw Mingi's dark eyes staring back at me. His bag was still slung over his shoulder and his car keys dangled from the lanyard in his hand.
His voice was gentle and hushed, I was certain that if he had spoken any quieter I wouldn't have been able to hear him. Which probably means he knows that I'm still mad about what he did a few days ago.
I looked at him for a moment before nodding and going back to my camera, not saying a word. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw San mouthing something to someone else, but I wasn't sure who. I mean it could really only be Mingi or Seonghwa if he walked back into the room.
Mingi shuffled off towards the kitchen without another word and I just let out a soft sigh when I knew he was out of sight.
"What was all of that about?" San asked, causing me to look away from the camera for a split second.
"Nothing." I looked back at the camera screen before turning it to face San, "say cheese."
I didn't really give him the chance to say anything really before I pressed down on the shutter button. Pulling the device away from my face and looking at the photo I had just taken.
"Lyra," San warned, moving closer to me but I just ignored him as I tweaked a few more settings.

Then my phone buzzed from its spot on top of the table so I sat my camera down and picked it up. Turning it on I saw that there was a message from Wooyoung so I unlocked the device and opened his contact.

'So remember that paper you helped me with the other day...?'
My eyebrows scrunched together at the mention of his science paper, did he do good on it, or did he not? I know for a fact that the paper was good so it better have gotten good marks or I will march in there like an angry mother.
So I typed up a quick response and hit send, 'Yeah, why?'
I sat there for a minute or two waiting for his response and with every passing second my anxiety was rising. Did he or did he not get good marks? As soon as my phone buzzed I snatched the device off of the table which caused San to nearly jump out of his skin.
"My god!" He exclaimed with his hand over his heart.
Quickly apologizing I opened my phone and went straight to Wooyoung's contact, reading his message.
'I got it back in class and I got full marks on it!'
I felt my body relax as I read his message and a sigh left my lips, my eyes closing for a moment. Thank god that's finally over, the stress wasn't good for my body.
'Aish! You scared the shit out of me! I thought you got bad marks on it, don't do that!'
I typed furiously on my keyboard, my eyebrows scrunched together once more. As soon as I hit send I sat the device back down on the table.
"Who was that?"
I felt San lean against the back of my chair, peering over my shoulder at the device that was no longer in my hands.
Leaning back I looked up at him, "It was just Wooyoung."
San opened his mouth to say something else but was cut off when someone walked into the room. Turning my head I saw Yeosang standing in the doorway of the dining room, his expression hard to read.
"Hey Yeo, how was class?" Seonghwa greeted the white-haired male, looking up from his phone.
"It was fine."
Yeosang's response was short as he looked over at me and then at the bags that were sitting on the table. His eyes then traveled over to San who was still standing right behind me, his eyebrow raising.
"What's all of this?" He motioned to the bags and San just shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest.
"We went to the mall earlier and Lyra got some stuff."
Yeosang's attention was then brought to me, "So not only are we paying you but you're seducing them to buy you shit."
The corner of my lip twitched as his words registered in my head, did he really just say that? My eyes narrowed as I met his gaze ignoring the shuffling from behind me. Who the hell was he to sit here and say that I was seducing them? As far as I was aware they hired me for shit like that.
"What makes you think they bought all of this for me?" My voice stayed steady somehow even if my blood was boiling.
"You bought all of that?" His hand motioned to the bags, "Yeah I don't believe that."
My jaw clenched trying to hold my tongue, but that didn't keep me from glaring at him. Was he really saying this right now?
I felt a hand on my shoulder and the only person it could be was San because Seonghwa was still sitting at the table and I had yet to see Mingi walk out of the kitchen.
"Yeosang." San's tone held warning in it, but I just held my hand up.
"No San it's fine." I let out a sigh before looking over at Yeosang once more, "if he wants to think that then let him."
The white-haired male's eyes narrowed as he glared at me before a scoff left his lips.
"What's there to think about? You obviously don't have the money or you wouldn't be selling your body."
My body went stiff, my eyes going wide. Did he just...? Anger bubbled up in the pit of my stomach as I glared at Yeosang. He just stood there with his arms crossed over his chest with a smug look on his face.
"Dude, that wasn't necessary at all!" San exclaimed.
Heat flushed my face as I bit down on my tongue, I was sure it was bleeding at this point.
Sure, maybe he didn't agree with what I was doing but that doesn't give him the right to sit here and say shit like that. Right?
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mingi walking into the room, he looked between Yeosang and me before fixing his gaze on me.
"Lyra, can I talk to you? Please." Mingi asked, his voice holding what I'm guessing was worry.
Tearing my gaze away from Yeosang I let my eyes fall on to the tall red-haired male. The glare didn't let up either because he wasn't exactly someone I wanted to talk to at the moment. However, as of right now, I would much rather talk to him than this white-haired asshat. So I push myself back away from the table before standing to my feet.
A sigh left Mingi's lips as he nodded before walking around Yeosang, towards the back door. I followed behind him, but not before sending another glare at Yeosang.

Letting the back door close behind me I stopped for a moment trying to release some of the anger so I wouldn't take it out on Mingi. Who was standing a few feet away from me, but his eyes were watching my every move.
Taking a deep breath I shook my hands that had been balled up in a fist out. Rolling my shoulders back I moved over to where Mingi was standing.
"What did you want Mingi?" My tone was curt, maybe a little too harsh.
Mingi scratched the back of his neck averting his gaze before a small nervous chuckle fell from his lips.
"I'm sorry about the other night." His voice was soft and full of guilt making my heart drop, "I'm sorry about the fighting, your feet, I'm sorry about leaving the room like I did. I get it if you still don't want to talk to-"
I couldn't let him finish that sentence so I reached up, flicking his forehead, shutting him up. However, a yelp left his mouth as he looked at me with wise eyes, rubbing the now red spot.
"That right there is the reason I'm so annoyed with you right now." I scolded him, my eyebrows scrunching together, "You have nothing to be apologizing for, yes you were one of the ones fighting, but you're not the one that ran out knowing there was shattered glass on the ground." I started and he just looked at me, "The whole reason I was so upset was because you were blaming yourself for something you shouldn't be."
"I'm so-" He went to apologize again but I was quick to reach up and cover his mouth with my hands, stopping him.
"Stop apologizing, please."
I looked at him with an expectant look and after a few seconds, he nodded his head. So I moved my hands, but he was quick to grab my hand placing a small kiss against the inside of my wrist.
"I'm sorry about Yeosang."
My eyes narrowed as I huffed, pointing my finger at him, "I said stop apologizing and don't you dare apologize on that asshole's behalf."
"Mingi!" I exclaimed which caused him to start laughing as I looked at him with wide eyes, sure he was just doing it to get a rise out of me.



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