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⋆﹥───── ❝ 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 ❞ ─────﹤⋆

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⋆﹥───── ❝ 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 ❞ ─────﹤⋆

𝑳𝒚𝒓𝒂'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽

When I opened my eyes I was met with an empty bed, slightly disappointed I just sighed. Turning over I noticed that there was a piece of paper sitting on the bedside table. Grabbing it I looked over the neat handwriting that belonged to none other than Yunho.

'Had to leave for class and didn't want to wake you, get some rest, beautiful.' - Yunho

Seeing as I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep all day I just sluggishly pulled myself out of bed. As soon as my feet hit the cool wood floor I sighed, but when I stood the cool sensation was replaced with a stinging.
With a pout, I carefully made my way to my closet to find an outfit for the day. Grabbing a pair of gym shorts and an oversized t-shirt I quickly changed, chucking my dirty clothes into the hamper. I then made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth before making my way downstairs.

Walking down the steps I could have sworn that I would have tripped at least a few times. However, I successfully made it to the living room without falling on my face. This time at least.
I then trudged into the dining room where I found Seonghwa focused on his phone while his laptop sat open in front of him.
"Good morning..." I told him as a yawn broke through my lips as I made a beeline for the kitchen.
I made my way to the pantry to grab the cereal, but when I looked inside I noticed a box of pop-tarts. With a small smile, I reached up, grabbed the box, pulled one out, and put the box back.
Once the pantry door was closed all of the way I walked back into the dining room. Taking the seat that was across from Seonghwa. Eating my pop-tart slowly as my eyes kept drooping.
The sound of Seonghwa laughing brought me back to the awake world causing me to look up at him. Not realizing that I had little crumbs all over my lips and chin.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing's funny, you just look cute half asleep like that."
I just narrowed my eyes as much as I could before it felt like I would fall asleep at the table. Another laugh broke through his lips as he reached over the table wiping the crumbs off of my face. My half-asleep brain didn't even register it until he was sitting back in his chair, making my face heat up.
"Are you okay?"
I just hummed as I let my eyes flutter shut only to open them back up when I felt my head lull to the side.
"Just tired..."
"Were you not able to sleep much last night?"
Seonghwa asked with a raised eyebrow to which I just shrugged, "I was able to sleep fine, but I guess everything from these past few days is starting to get to me."
I explained and he just nodded slowly, his eyes staying on me as I put that last of the pop tart in my mouth.
"Why don't you go get some more sleep, I'll let the others know," Seonghwa suggested causing me to look over at him.
"You don't have to do that, I'll just go outside or something."
"Lyra you look like you're about to pass out over there, just go back to bed and get some rest."
Seonghwa just rolled his eyes before standing from his seat. Walking around the table towards me, he grabbed the wrapper before helping me up from my seat.
"How are your feet by the way?"
He asked me as I stumbled a little bit partially to the tiredness making me unbalanced, the other because of the pain that shot through my feet.
"They've gotten better, but they still hurt quite a bit."
As soon as those words left my lips Seonghwa nodded before turning and walking into the kitchen. I was going to start walking back to my room when the pink-haired male came back into the room, stopping me.
Seonghwa moved to stand in front of me before turning and bending down. Even through my sleep-fogged brain, I knew what he wanted to do.
"Just get on or I'll just pick you up."
His voice was stern causing me to sigh because I knew I wouldn't win this fight no matter how hard I tried. So I just leaned down wrapping my arms loosely around his neck before he lifted me, his hands tucked underneath my thighs.
Walking up the steps I laid my head on his shoulder, my eyes slowly closing. However, before I could fall asleep I felt one of his hands leave my leg. Opening my eyes I noticed that we were standing in front of my bedroom.
He opened the door, pushing it open before grabbing my leg once more. Walking into the room Seonghwa made his way to my bed. He turned and sat me down on the mattress then turned and looked down at me with a soft smile.
"Get some rest."
Seonghwa patted the top of my head before walking back towards the door.
"Thank you Seonghwa."
He smiled at me over his shoulder before walking out of the room, shutting the door behind him.
I situated myself on the bed before grabbing my phone off of the nightstand because I hadn't even realized that I left it in there until now.
"I'm always leaving you somewhere... maybe I should get one of those attachment things so that way I won't lose you..."
I mumbled to my phone before turning the screen on and seeing a few different messages from quite a few unknown numbers. Among those, there was one that I noticed, San. Opening my phone I went to his message.
'Just wanted to let you know that I gave your number to the guys.'
That would explain all of those unknown numbers, backing out of San's contact I looked at all of the other messages. My eyebrows furrowed as I counted how many there were. Six. Shouldn't there be seven if you didn't count San?
Going through all of them I noticed that they all mentioned who they were in their messages so it was easy to find out which one didn't message me. Yeosang.
"Can't say I'm too surprised..."
I scoffed before turning my phone back off, deciding to deal with saving their numbers and whatnot later.
After I sat my phone back down on the nightstand I rolled over and covered myself with the blankets. Easily falling back into a deep slumber.


I felt something brush against my cheek causing my nose to scrunch up. Reaching up I went to brush my face off only for my hand to get caught.
"Come on beautiful, wake up."
Someone whispered and I let my eyes flutter open only to be met with soft brown eyes. When my eyes adjusted to the light I realized that it was Yunho that was crouched down in front of me.
"Ah... there she is."
He smiled softly as he laid my hand back down on the bed as I sat up slightly. Looking around the room I noticed that there was a dull orange light coming from behind the curtains. Rubbing my face I brought my focus back to Yunho who was now standing.
"What time is it?"
"A little after six, Wooyoung made dinner."
I nodded softly as a yawn broke through my lips and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. Completely missing the observant eyes of Yunho. Once on my feet, I let out a small sigh as a dull pain flooded my nerves.
"Are you okay?"
Yunho asked and I just hummed, looking up at him with a small smile.
"I'm fine, let's go, I'm hungry."
With that, we walked back out of my bedroom and slowly made our way downstairs. Yunho offered to carry me but I told him it was fine, that I could walk on my own. Even if it did hurt like a bitch to get down the stairs.
When we got into the dining room I noticed all of the guys sitting at the table. Wooyoung smiled at me when his eyes met mine. Walking away from Yunho, I took my seat between the oreo-haired boy and Yeosang.
"Are you feeling any better?"
My attention was then brought to Seonghwa, who was sitting across from me. I gave him a lazy smile while nodding softly.
"I'm still tired, but also hungry."
"Well good, now eat!"
Wooyoung exclaimed as he sat a plate full of food down in front of me, looking at me with an expectant look. Laughing softly I grabbed my chopsticks and started eating the food which brought a smile to Woo's face.



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