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Yeosang woke up with a jerk when something fell on the floor, causing a loud slam.

He forgot when did he even fall asleep after he ate and Minwoo wasn't there, but Yeosang knew he was back. All Yeosang hoped was that he could spend the free day he had once in a while in a quiet atmosphere while Minwoo was out, but seems not.

It was still night, probably around 3 or 4am now, and he is drunk again like he is every night and every day. Slowly getting off the bed, Yeosang walked on his fingers to the living room. He placed a hand on the wall as he popped his head in the living room, seeing Minwoo that was panting and a glass smashed on the floor.

It was a bottle of some drink, but Yeosang didn't care about that now. He watched as Minwoo let out a groan before turning around suddenly. He widened his eyes as he saw him, and before Yeosang could even run, he was grabbed by his hood and pulled back.

"Where the fuck do you think you are going?" Minwoo's voice was filled with anger as he yelled in Yeosang's face.

The male let out a shaky breath. "Now-"

A smack was placed on his cheek again, and Yeosang let out a small sound as his cheek hurt. He already felt tears filling in his eyes as Minwoo grabbed him by the collar and leaned in slowly.

"Fucking bitch. How do you even live with yourself? You are so pathetic and so low like a whore from the street, why did I even get together with such an ugly person?"

Yeosang almost sobbed. After 3 years he would say something like that, but what hurt the most was the fact he said all that to his face. He was getting angry back at Minwoo, and he just couldn't hold it back.

"Then fucking leave-" He spoke up.

A punch was once again slapped onto his cheek, but it was a fist now. Yeosang felt his jaw move as Minwoo hit him.

"You dare to speak back to me, slut? I gave you everything you wanted and you behave like this?" He paused.

"No wonder since no one had to raise you!" Minwoo yelled in his face again.

The topic of Yeosang's parents always made him upset. They died and all he can do is remember them, but Minwoo using it to insult him is making Yeosang want to kill him now and there.

"Fuck you! You know how much it hurts me to talk-" Yeosang yelled back at him.

"Shut the fuck up already!" Minwoo punched him with his fist again, making Yeosang look up.

He felt dizzy as Minwoo grabbed him by the collar again and threw him on the floor in the living room. He fell to his knees, putting his palms on the floor to keep himself from fully falling down on the smashed bottle.

Yeosang felt glass push through his skin in his palm, letting out a gasp as he saw blood already leaking because the cut was so deep. Thank god it wasn't on his wrist or else he would be dead already.

"You better clean it until I come back, worthless whore." Minwoo spat before he turned around and left.

Slamming the door shut, Yeosang looked down to his bleeding hand. It hurt a bit, but not too much. And he just couldn't keep in his tears. Yeosang sobbed as he sat on the floor in agony and anger at himself for not doing anything to Minwoo.

He knew he won't endure this for too long anymore, and Yeosang finally got up and wiped his tears away before wrapping his arm. He packed the most important things into a bag and left the house, pulling a hood over his head to hide the bruises as he texted Wooyoung about what happened.

I need to get out of here..

That was the only thing on Yeosang's mind.

He finally put himself in the first place, and no one is here to stop him from going away anymore. It has been too long, and all hopes Yeosang had for Minwoo changing were gone now.

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