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Mingi bit the inside of his cheek in a nervous way, pacing around the balcony and taking a deep breath.

Yunho is his best friend and boyfriend, he knows that everything is going to be okay.

He knew he had no need to be nervous. He just had to talk to Yunho and that's all, no matter what happens, he will be okay. His heart was racing and hands slightly shaking, but not because of the cold air but because he was kinda scared.

Mingi sighed again. It's going to be okay, he will just talk to Yunho tomorrow and explain everything- It can't go that wrong, right?

Until the knock on the door was heard. Mingi immediately widened his eyes and turned around.

"Minnie, are you there?" Yunho's voice was heard from behind the closed door.

Mingi widened his eyes. Speaking of a devil.

Fuck, What a timing!

"Uh-yeah, I'm here." He mumbled, coming in his room and closing the door of the balcony.

Yunho opened the door and came inside of the room, furrowing his eyebrows as he looked around.

"Why is it so cold here?" He asked.

Mingi looked over to the balcony and then to Yunho.

"Oh, I just- opened the door to let in some fresh air in." Mingi explained.

Yunho was still confused. "But you could've just opened the window-"

"Oh well, too late." Mingi shrugged lightly, cutting him off in the middle of the sentence.

He tried to act as normal as possible, but he really wasn't succeeding by the fact he was smiling awkwardly. Yunho once again furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at Mingi. He tilted his head lightly, and that's when Mingi knew he didn't believe it.

"Mingi, is everything okay?" He asked, sensing something is wrong by the way he was almost shaking.

Fucking hell. His heart started to race again, and hands shaking slightly. Mingi gulped as he thought what should he say.

"Yeah, why wouldn't-" Mingi was cut off.

"Mingi, I see right through you. I know when you're not honest to me." Yunho said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Mingi stopped breathing for a second. He swore his heart also stopped beating for a second and he felt like he was being choked.

"I-I'm not lying-"

"Mingi, stop." Yunho demanded.

The male shut his mouth immediately. He stared at Yunho for a couple of seconds before he groaned and pulled hands over his face.

Mingi threw himself onto his bed, burying his face into it in embarrassment and the nervous feeling that came back again. There was a sigh before the bed dipped after a few seconds. Yunho's hand was placed on his back for a few moments before there were hands around Mingi's waist.

Those same hands lifted him up so he was sitting on the bed and pulled him to look at Yunho. Yunho cupped his cheek and rubbed it afterwards, and Mingi felt so loved suddenly.

It was like pterodactyls inside of his stomach instead of butterflies.

"Hey, talk to me. You can tell me what is bothering you." Yunho mumbled to him.

Mingi gulped. Yunho sounded like he had all the patience and love for Mingi, and it did help him ease his mind a bit. He let out a shaky sigh, closing his eyes and exhaling before he looked into Yunho's beautiful eyes.

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