Chapter 26.

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Selena's POV.
"Okay Sel, all of your stuff is packed."

"Thanks." I gave Taylor a weak smile as I sat on the bed.

I sighed.

"You know," he sat down beside me. "Its okay to cry." He looked at me.

I nodded feeling the tears burn my eyes. I sniffed.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." I whispered. He smiled. "I'm gonna miss you too Selena." He said.

We hugged each other tightly as my tears wet his jacket.

"I'm gonna be alone Taylor, please come with me." I begged. He rubbed my back.

"I can't Sel." He shook his head. "Please," I whined. "Selena, stop it. I can't and you know I can't."

"Okay." I nodded breaking away from the hug.

"I love you." He said. I did a small smile. "I love you too." I stopped smiling as he stared at me. "What?" I asked.

He began leaning in and so did I.

"Tay--" "Shhh." He interrupted. As soon as our lips were about to touch I pushed him away.

He cleared his throat and jumped up from the bed.

"Um, we should get going right?" He asked looking around.

"Um, yeah," I closed my eyes and then opened them again. "Yeah, we should." I nodded.

He clapped his hands. "Alrighty then."


"Sel, wake up!" Someone shook me. "No, I don't wanna." I whined.


I gasped. "God? Am I in heaven? OMG, where's my babies if I am?" I mumbled.


My eyes fluttered opened and saw Taylor staring down at me.

I yawned. "What?" I asked getting out of the car.

"We're here." He smiled.

My eyes widened as I started to look around.

"Man...." I trailed off.

"The college life is what you'll be living. They're all gonna treat you normal here not like Selena Gomez, John Cena and Eve Torres' daughter, or like Randy Orton's ex-wife and his children's mother. Just regular ol Selena is how they're gonna treat you. The question is, are you ready for this?" He asked me.

I looked at him and then smiled.

"Of course. I get to start my life over, forget the past, and get treated like a regular girl again? I am so ready! I'm ready for everyone to see the real Selena Cena not the famous FAKE Selena the real me." I said.

"Okay." Taylor nodded. "Let's go." He grabbed some of my belongings out of the trunk as I followed him.

"Yeah! Let's do this !" I cheered.


"Um, Selena Go--i mean, Cena. Selena Cena." I told the woman.

She gave me a nod before typing something into her computer. She then turned back to me.

"Here is your schedule Ms.Cena and here is your room key. All you have to do is look for the room number that is on your key. Enjoy and have a good luck on your first day. I promise you will love it here." She said.

I smiled at her before giving my key a kiss and then making my way to my room.

I finally found my room and unlocked the door.

I walked in and saw a neatly made bed and a not so neat one.

I sat my things on the floor and sat on the neatly made one.

Someone flushed the toilet and then walked out.

I guess she didn't notice me because when she finally looked at me her eyes lit up.

"Oh, hi!!!!!!!! I'm Gina! Its very nice to meet you!" She said excitedly.

"You too Gina. My name is Selena and I'm your new roomie!" I told her.

"Well, roomie I was just heading out to lunch wanna join?" She asked with this big smile plastered on her face.

"Sure!" We both grabbed our keys and walked out of the room.

We made our way to the eating room.

More, like buffet room.

"Wow, this place is amazing and all of the food looks so gooooooodd." I said in amazement.

"I know right." She nodded.

"Is it always this full of people?" I asked her. "Yup. Always. At all times of the day and night. When you're hungry you gotta eat no matter how late it is. Food can never wait." She shook her head while picking up a colorful plate.

I picked up one also and mine had a big cursive 'S' on the front. I smiled. I've been doing that since I got here.

"Hey! That's so awesome Selena! Your plate has an S on it for your name!" She exclaimed.

"Shhhh. Not so loud! Everyone didn't have to know." I told her. She giggled.

And then whispered, "sorry." I sightly rolled my eyes letting out a chuckle.

"You don't have to whisper or yell just talk normal." I said.

"Got it!" She yelled. I gave her a look. "Sorry. Talk normal, talk normal, talk normal. Got it."

"That's better."

We were walking to find a table until I bumped into someone.

I looked up to see mesmerizing green eyes.

"Oh my...." I whispered. He is sexy!

He chuckled. "Sorry about that..." "Selena." I answered.

"Selena. Beautiful name for a gorgeous girl. I love it." He smiled.

I giggled.

Maybe this is the love of my life. The start of a new beginning❤.

Tɦɛ Eռɖ.

Really hope you all enjoyed reading this story as much as I did writing it. No, there will not be a sequel but I hope you all will continue to stay with me and my other stories. Don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks, Maria.

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