Chapter 19

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Randy's POV

"Alright so babe you know the drill. Im going back on the road and you have to get Into traning shape." I told Selena.

"Babe I know this." She rolled her eyes. "Okay I was just making sure."

"Okay so listen daddy's going back to work okay? Im gonna be gone for some time so I want you two to promise daddy one thing?" "What?"

"Be good. No misbehavior. Okay? Bye love you guys." I kissed their foreheads. "Bye babe!" Selena shouted as I walked out the door.

Selena's POV

"Lets do this." I jumped up and down. "Alright now calm down. What do you do when someone grabs you like this?" Trish Stratus, my new trainer asked.

"I don't wanna learn the basics Trish! I wanna learn your moves ya know? I mean this stuff is too easy! My kids can do this in their sleep." I complained. I kept on complaining as she walked

towards me with a smirk on her face. "Uh Trish, why are you looking at me like that?" I frowned. Then she threw me over her shoulder. "You call this the basics? You wanna learn more?" She asked.

I nodded getting up. "Well then show me what you got." She said as we started fighting. I kept drop kicking her and she did a bulldog on me.

I did a moonsault from the top rope.


"Sel, you did good! I mean that was impressive for you first day!" She smiled. "Thanks." I nodded. "Hey wassup my girls?" Seth asked walking in.

"Hey Rollins. Where's Celeste?" Trish asked. "What you don't think I can go somewhere without always being around her?" He asked.

"Hey it was just a question." She said. "Well Celeste is not here. Just because I'm her man doesn't mean we have to go everywhere together." He scoffed.

"Hey Sel, Trish. Hey babe." Kaitlyn walked in kissing Seth's cheek. "Really Seth?" I laughed. "Well we um better start training don't you guys think?" He asked.

"Uh yeah." We all laughed.

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