Chapter 12

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Nikki's POV

"Sel, are you okay?" I asked her over the phone. "Yeah. Yeah i-i'm good you know. Staying strong!" She replied sounding like she was about to cry. "Selena come on.

I know you. Whats wrong is it Randy?" I asked. "Nikki why are you always in my business?! I can take care of myself! Your nothing to me so stop trying to be my mom!" She shouted hanging up.

I sighed.

Selena's POV

I wiped my tears and then accidentally touched the nasty looking bruise on my face. I had just received it from Randy the night before. "Oww. Damnit llook at me. Im a mess.

I need to get away but I can't. I love him and I know he loves me too. He just has to take its anger out on someone. But why does that someone have to be me?" I asked myself

as I heard the door open. "Hey babe." Randy kissed my forehead. "Why were you crying?" He asked. "I wasn't." I shook my head. "Sel don't lie to me. Why?" "Randy I wasn't crying okay? Just leave me alone." I said walking away from him.

He grabbed my arm and tried to yank me back but I pulled away from him."No Randy stop! I said leave me alone!" I shouted trying to walk away again but this time he turned me around and slapped me.

I fell on the bed. I looked up at him. He took his shirt off and his pants and crawled over to me. He grabbed my legs as I tried to wiggle away.

"Stop! Leave me alone! Your a monster now!" I shouted. "Get away from me!" I screamed kicking him right in the face. I got up as he laid on the floor.

"I gotta get out of here." I whispered and ran out the door not even bothering to get my stuff. I never looked back either. I don't know where I was going but I stopped to catch my breath.

"Selena?" I heard someone call. I looked up. "Mom!" I ran up to her and hugged her. "Oh my god. Baby what happened to your face?" She asked.

"Um accident." I shrugged hoping she would buy it. "Really?" "Yep." "Oh okay well how's Randy?" She asked. "Great."

"How'd he take the news?" She asked. "Well he said he was um..look mom I'm gonna be honest here. Randy doesn't know about me being pregnant and also he's been um well beating me."

There was a long moment of silence before she gasped. "What?" She asked her hand over her heart. "Yeah." I started crying.

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