Chapter 2

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Selena's POV

"I'm um Selena." I said staring at Randy. "You must be John's daughter?" He asked smirking. "Yes so um am I in the right room?" I asked getting ready to run out.

"Yeah you are. I was just about to leave." He said. "You have a very sexy body." I blurted out. "Thanks beautiful. Well if you will excuse me I gotta go get ready for Raw." He said.

Once he was out of the room I said, "I'm such a idiot." While falling on the bed.


"Yeah yeah dad I remember the rules. I'm not a kid anymore I'm freaking 18 years old stop treating me like a baby. You keep saying, "stay away from Randy" or "stay in my lockeroom and don't come out until the show is over." I said mocking him.

"Look stop being a smart mouth and just do what I say!" He yelled walking off. "Fine." I whispered.

I walked back towards his lockeroom and bumped into something solid sending me to the floor. "Hey watch where your goin' big guy." I laughed getting up looking at Big Show.

"Little Selena what are you doing here?" He asked

"Hey I'm not little anymore so don't call me that I am 18 years old now big fella." I laughed some more.

"Hahaha your so funny." Show said rolling his eyes. "Excuse me but I have a match to get ready for." He said. "Show you crack me up. You know you don't have to get ready I mean look at you." I said as he pushed me out of the way.

"Nice talking to you!" I shouted making my way back to my overprotective fathers lockeroom but of course I bumped into someone again. It was the Viper Randy Orton.

"Oh hey miss I'm a singer/actress." Randy said. "That's lame you could have came up with something better than that." I said with a eye roll.

Randy pinned me up against the wall. "Who's lame now?" He asked.

John Cena's Daughter (A WWE FanFiction) Editing!Where stories live. Discover now