Chapter 13

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Selena's POV

Its been about two weeks since I talked to Randy. Yeah of course I see him all the time when I'm hanging out with AJ and Celeste but I don't say anything.

Everyone knows the truth. They what Randy did to me. My dad tried to go take him out but I made him promise not to.

(Texting Kaitlyn)

K- Hey S! Just wondering if u wanted to get lunch with the gurls?? Let me kno:)

S- Sure babe. Cme in 15 min kk.

K- K.

(End Of Texting Kaitlyn)

"Selena! You won't believe who's here!" My dad shouted walking into the room. "Wait..change.Now. He doesnt need to see you in a damn sports bra and sweats." He said looking me up and down.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. "Sel I'm serious." He said trying to hold his smile. "Daddy why are you in such a great mood?" I asked putting one earphone in my ear.

"Because he's here." "Who's here?" "Come see." "Ughh! Daddy!" I whined dragging my feet into the kitchen.

"Pooh!" He exclaimed. "Oh no. Not this kid again." I whined. I pulled my dad away from everyone. "How could you not tell me he was here?" I asked.

"I called him here. I wanted it to be a surprise. Come Sel he's your ex boyfriend. "

"Yeah dad ex! Do you not understand what that means?" "Um Selena. Taylor wants you." Nikki said.

"Taylor?" I asked confused. "Yes as in Taylor Lautner your high school sweetheart." She explained. "Okay." I said. I was so use to calling Taylor sweetie and he would call me Pooh.

Nikki and I haven't exactly made up. I think she's still mad at me. "Taylor don't talk just come with me." I said pulling him away from everyone.

"Your gonna go with me and my friends. Okay T?" "Whatever you say Pooh." He smirked. "Stop calling me that!"

John Cena's Daughter (A WWE FanFiction) Editing!Where stories live. Discover now