Happy Birthday To Selena

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Randy's POV

I quietly walked into the house and went straight upstairs. I saw Sel sleeping peacefully. "Guys, come in." I whispered. The twins, Nikki, Brie, Daniel, Eve, Rener, Trish, Taylor, AJ, and Kaitlyn all walked in.

"1..2..3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SELENA!" We all shouted scaring her. "Oh my god you guys." She smiled and ran over giving us hugs.

"Baby!" She hugged me. "Randy, I thought you were still on the road. What happened?" She smiled big. "I went straight up to Steph and told her I gotta get my ass home to you and the kids. It's your birthday weekend." I shrugged.

"And you didn't get cussed out?" She asked. "Nope."

"Fired?" "Uh no."

"Spended?" "No."

"A warning?" "Sel, just stop! No I still have my job." I told her. She began jumping up and down. "Okay! I'm just soo excited. Let me go wash up!" She ran into the bathroom.

"Daddy, can you help me wit my clothes?" Riley asked. "Come on son."

Nikki's POV

"Grandma, can you help me with my clothes?" I heard Kiley ask. "Sure." Eve and I said then looked at each other.

"She was talking to me." Eve glared. "No she wasn't." I shook my head and grabbed Kiley's hand. Eve snatched her hand from me and held it.

"Cupcake baby, who were you talking to? Me right?" Eve asked her. "Yes." She nod her head. Eve smirked evilly at me and they walked into a room.

I just akwardly stood there wishing the party would soon come to a end.

Selena's POV

I came out the bathroom wearing a pink sparkly dress with my hair pinned back, and my pink and white heels on.

I saw everyone except for one person that I wished would be here the most. John. I have to say I miss my daddy very much even if I am mad at him. I am such a daddys girl.

"Selena!" I heard a familiar voice call out. "Omg, Demi?" I ran to her. "Hey!" She hugged me. "Happy birthday." She smiled. "Aww, thank you! You wanna see my babies?" I asked her.

"You were pregnant and never told me?!"

"Sorry. Riley! Kiley! Come here." I shouted. They shot into the kitchen standing right beside me. "Yes mommy?" They said. "This is mommys best friend Demi." I told them. "But, I thought Uncle Tay was your best friend?" Kiley said.

"Oh. Well i'm your mommys best girl friend." Demi told her. "So, you dated mommy?" Riley asked. "No guys. Look Demi is my friend." I explained. "Oh I almost forgot. Desiree!" Demi shouted.

Just then, a little girl ran over. She looks so familiar. She looks just like- "Selena?" Demi and the little girl stared at me. "Uh, yeah?"

"I said this is my daughter Desiree." Demi smiled. The little girl was beautiful. She had shoulder length black hair, brown eyes, Demi's chin, and she smiled like someone awfully familiar.

"Hi!" Desiree smiled wide. "Hey." Kiley looked at her weird. Riley didn't say anything. "Sorry he must be shy. Desiree, i'm Selena and this is my son Riley and his twin sister Kiley." I told her.

"Mommy, we all know Riley isn't shy. He likes her." Kiley rolled her eyes at Desiree. "Kiley!" I put on a fake smile. "Go found your dad and take your brother with you."


Demi Lovato's POV

"So, who is Desiree's dad?" Selena asked. "Tay-" "Hey babe." Taylor kissed my cheek and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Daddy!" Desiree smiled. I shrugged. "Theres your answer Sel."

"Uhhh." She tried to force a smile.

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