Chapter 16

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5 Months Later

Randy's POV

Tonight I'm taking Selena out to dinner. I've been good to her these past weeks and I wanna keep it that way. She's my baby and I love her.

"Selena, you ready?" I asked knocking on the bathroom door. "Almost." She replied. "K. Hurry" I said looking at my watch.

"8:07." I whispered. I heard the door open and she came out wearing a long peach dress with black heels on. "Babe.." My eyes traveled down her body.

Selena's POV

I smirked. Yes checking me out. "Randy?" I said. "Huh? Um yeah, lets go." He nodded. "Mhm." I smiled as we walked to the car.

"You cold?" He asked. "Uh no not reall-" "Take my jacket." He wrapped It around my shoulders. "I wasnt cold but okay." We got in the car and drove off.

There was silence until I turned the radio up. I started humming the lyrics and I saw Randy look over and smile at me. I looked at him then kissed his cheek. For the rest of the ride we were both singing the songs that came on.

Wrong lyrics and everything but we didn't care.

Nikki's POV

"Aww John baby this place is beautiful!" I smiled. He was taking me to a restaurant and it was beautiful. The waiter lead us to our seats.

"So I talked to Selena today. She said her and Randy are going out." I said. "Yeah well I talked to Eve and we're getting her outta here and she's never coming back! She should be leaving next week." John angrily said.

"John you can't do that to Selena! You know she loves Orton and frankly I think you can't control her anymore anyway! She is not leaving so just stop it and leave that girl alone!" I snapped at him.

"That girl is my daughter!" He glared at me. I glared back. "John Cena stop it now! Why do you always wanna see her hurt? She's happy and all you wanna do is hurt her."

"She's gonna make a mistake!" "Well duh! She young. Everyone makes mistakes. Just stop so we can enjoy our dinner." I said. "Alright Nikki but she's my kid." "That's just it John! Selena's not a kid anymore!"

Selena's POV

We sat at our table and took our orders. "This place is just so beautiful." I told Randy. "Yep and I paid damn good money here just for you." He said I looked around and laughed.

Then I quickly stopped laughing. "Oh my god." I said. "Oh shit." Randy said looking in my direction. We saw My dad and Nicole.

"Oh my gosh no Randy we need to leave now. Asap! Like seriously I don't need him embarrassing me. What he sees us?" I asked. "Then let him. Okay? I love you and we are not leaving. John can't control you

and his ass definitely doesn't control this relationship!" He explained. "Okay baby your right. Lets just order our food."

Nikki's POV

After that our food came and we were just laughing and talking. I glanced at Selena and she mouthed something to me. 'Don't let John see us. Distract him.' She mouthed I nodded.

"Nicole what are you looking at?" John asked. "N-Nothing no one." I shook my head. "I-Is that Selena?" He asked. "Um actually I dunno. Maybe its just someone who looks exactly like her.. I guess."

Randy's POV

"Babe I have something to ask you." I began. "Look Sel I love you and we've been together for sometime now and we've been through a lot, I've put you through he'll and I'm sorry. I'll never do it again. I love you so much I can't even explain.

What I'm trying to say is..will you, Selena marry me?" I asked. She opened her mouth but then closed it. "Nooooo!!" Someone shouted running towards us.

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