Chapter 20:Selena's Birthday

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Selena's P.O.V

"Happy birthday mommy!" Riley smiled. "Aww thank you baby but, mommys birthday is next week." I said.

"Oh otay. I still got you a present." He said. "Thankyou." I started tickling him. "Hey, look mommy! Daddys on TV!" Kiley shouted jumping on the couch.

"Hey, no don't jump on the couch. Your gonna hurt yourself." I told her. "But mommy Its funn!" She continued. "Kiley, do you wanna take a nap?" "No."

"Then stop it." I walked into the kitchen and picked up my phone.

"Hey babe." I said. "Hey, how are the kids?" Randy asked. "Good. So are you gonna be here for my birthday next week?" I asked hoping. "Uh no babe. Sorry. You know I gotta focous On

the WWE World Heavyweight Championship." He said. "Oh so what your saying is your championships are more important than you being here with me on my b-day?" "No!"

"No? Well it seems that way!" "Look Selena I don't have time for this bullshit! I'll make it up to you when I get home!" He hung up. "Fine!" I shouted putting the phone on the counter.

John's P.O.V

"I still can't believe she's engaged to Orton." I mumbled. "Yeah me either. Shes so young." Eve said. Nikki scoffed. "You guys are so unbelievable! Why can't you just let her be happy?!" She asked.

"Shes our daughter." Said Eve. "Okay so remind me why are you here anyway? This is my house." She said.

"Guys stop. I invited her over so we can discuss Selena's relationship." I said. "How when Sel's not even here?" Nikki asked.

"Fine then i'll call her." Eve took out her phone.

Eve's P.O.V

"Hi mommy!" "Hey. So your dad and I were wondering if-"

"You don't want me to come over there, do you?" She asked. "Actually Sel yeah."

"For what?" "Well-" "Mom if its about Randy I don't wanna talk about it!"

"Sel, just come over. I thought you would wanna see me." "Fine."

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