Chapter 14

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Kaitlyn's POV

I pulled up at Sel's house and say her walking out with some dude. They got in the car. "Taylor Lautner?" I asked.

"Yep. Don't make a big deal out of it though." Selena answered. "No worry. I won't." I started driving. "So Pooh, who is this?" He asked. "This is Celeste but call her Kaitlyn." Selena replied.

"Where are we going?" She asked. "Movies, Lunch, then a party. Randy's party. Hes celebrating your pregnacy." I explained. "What?! Why the hell would you think I'd wanna go there?"

"Wait Pooh, your pregnant?" He asked. "Well obviously!" She shouted. "Who's Randy?" "My boyfriend!!"

"So your taken??" "Oh my gosh will everyone just calm down?! Selena you are going to that party! Okay now just be quiet. We're here." I yelled.

Selena's POV

"Where are we?" I asked getting out of the car. "April's house. We're eating lunch and watching the movie over here then we're going to Randy's party after. Got it?" She asked. "Got it." Sweetie and I replied.

"How come you never told me you were taken?" Sweetie whispered as Kait knocked on the door. "Well T you never bothered to call and ask. I lost your number anyway." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey guys. Come on in." AJ's maid smiled. We walked into the livingroom to see Dean, AJ, Paige, Roman, Layla, Seth, Eva, Ugh Randy, Emma, Michelle, Eve, Kelly and Miz with Maryse.

"Hey babe." Kaitlyn smiled sitting next to Seth. We saw the best buds Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler walk in and they took a seat on the floor.

"Sel come take a seat by Eva and I." Randy smirked. Taylor grabbed my arm. "Don't." He whispered. "Hes my boyfriend." I whispered back. "If he's your boyfriend then why he's playing kisses face with that redhead girl?" He asked.

"Whatever." I sighed and sat on the floor by Cody while Taylor followed. "Oh I see your gonna go sit by your new boy toy." Randy said. "He's just my friend!" "Randy leave her alone. Why do you keep messing with her?" Eva asked.

"Because he's messing around with me, Summer and even more behind your back! I'm pregnant with his child! There I fucking said it! I'm tired of keeping it in! Keeping it from you Eva! Hes a cheater!! Now Randy fucking Orton fuck off and leave me the hell alone!" I yelled slamming the front door.

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