Chapter 11- What?!

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Selena's POV

"No! No! No! Please! This can't be happening to me! I knew we should have never did it! God I'm so stupid!" I screamed. "Ms. Cena please calm down. I thought this was gonna be good news." The doctor said.

"Good news?! Damnit I'm only 18!" I shouted. "Calm down. I think you should call your partner and tell him the news." He said before walking out. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I pulled my phone out and dialed Randy's number.

Randy's POV

"Babe we finally get some time alone." Eva said as I kissed her neck. Then my phone buzzed. "Baby, who in the hell is Selena?!" She asked. "No one. Don't worry about it." I said. "No Randy! Who is she?" She shouted pushing me off of her.

"She's John's daughter." "Okay so why is John's daughter calling you ?" She asked. "I'm her trainer babe. Look I gotta go." I said and ran out the door.

Selena's POV

I had just now got to the hotel we were staying in and I saw Nikki and Brie. I tried to walk away fast until Nikki called my name.

I turned around slowly. Then my dad walked out. "Shit!" I mumbled. "Come here." He said. "Dad before you start yelling I have something to say. Okay so um daddy I love you so much but I wanna do this. You can't tell me what to do anymore.

I am not a little girl! You can not control me and treat me like your little bitch! Also-" "Shut up!" He shouted making me jump. "I'm not gonna listen to this Sel! I've never in my life treated you like a bitch! I wanted the best life for you!"

"Dad- no I mean John if you and Eve wanted the best life for me then why were you guys never there? I was always with your brother! Why were you guys never there for me ?" I asked.

"Sel you know we had a tight schedule. We love you very much!" "Yeah well you don't really show it. Even Nikki shows it and I'm not even her daughter." I said as I felt someone put their arm around my waist.

I looked up and saw Randy. "Selena I wanted you to leave and now since you didn't I'm going to make you! I wanted you to stay away from him!" "But dad we love each other." "Selena do you even know what love is?" Nikki asked.

"And did you know he's cheating on Eva with you?" Brie asked. I looked at Randy. "We're sorry Sel but we had to break it to you." My dad said.

I walked off and so did Randy.


"Is it true?" I asked. He sighed. "Yeah but I was gonna break up with her today." He said. "Bullshit Orton! I'm leaving you!" I said walking to the door. "Oh no the hell your not!" He said yanking me back.

Randy's POV

"Your not leaving me." I said as I pinned her against the wall. "Randy let me go!" "No." "You are a bastard!" She shouted.

I let her go and she started holding her wrist. They were already getting bruised. "What is wrong with you?!" She asked. "I'm sorry Selena but Eva's not the only girl I've been with. I've been with JoJo and Summer too." I said.

"Seriously Randy! Why do you kept cheating on me?!" She said as she started hitting me. Then she slapped me. I can't take this shit any more. I hit her. I picked her up and pinned her to the bed. I saw tears running down her face.

"Listen you are not leaving me. Never. Ever leaving me. You understand?" I asked. She nodded.

Selena's POV

After that the beating went on for weeks. Some times for little things and when he thinks I'm cheating when I'm not.

I had to cover the bruises up with make-up. Now I'm gonna break the news to everyone maybe except Randy. "Whats up babe?" Randy asked walking in the room kissing my forehead.  He looked down at the bruises and rubbed on them.

I sighed and looked at him. He looked back up at me. I could tell he could see the hurt in my eyes because he stopped looking at me. "They'll get better. I guess." He walked off. "Jackass." I whispered.

I texted everyone and told them that I'm pregnant. I can't tell them in person because Randy wouldn't let me. I think the only way he will stop hurting me is if he knew.

Dad texted back  "What the hell?"

I sighed. He can never be happy for me. Nikki- "Yay I'm gonna be a grandma even though I'm like 30. Lol"

I just love Nikki. Brie- Aww girly I'm so happy for you!"

Brie's good too. Eve- "Oh babe. Congrats."

I love you mommy! Naomi- "Aww baby girl!"

Rener- "Growing up fast Sel!"

He treats like his daughter! Cameron- "You go girl!"

Kaitlyn- "Babies! Love you baby!"

Kait's one of my best friends along with AJ. But Kaitlyn and I are closer.

AJ- "Wow Sel! I'm voting for a girl!"

See everyone is happy except for my dad. He can never be happy for me. He never supports me. Hes gonna have to except my baby when it comes.

John Cena's Daughter (A WWE FanFiction) Editing!Where stories live. Discover now