Selena's Birthday Part 2

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Selena's POV

"Selena hey!" Nikki answered the door. I smiled and took a seat on the couch. "So how are you?" my mom asked.

"Oh, I'm fine." I'm fine." I nodded. "Thats good. Where is Cupcake and Riley?" John asked. "Oh uh I took them over Taylor's." We all just sat there in an uncomfortable silence.

"Are you and Randy having sex?" My dad blurted. Nikki choked on her drink. "I can't deal with this." She sat her cup down on the table and walked In the back.

"Whats this about?" I asked. "Sel, just answer the question." He glared. "Why? Its our sex life not yours."

"Selena your dad and I-" "Im leaving!" I stood up. "No you are not!" He shouted standing in my way. "Dad why? Why can't I be happy?!" I asked. "I called Taylor to come back here so you

two could be together but you ran off with Randy again."

"Daddy, I'm happy and I don't think the twins would be happy if-" "Who cares?!" He shouted. "I can't believe you! Please stay out of my life..please." I walked out the door.

I feel like shit because my dad hates me, now my mom, and my babe isn't even gonna be here to spend my birthday with me.

John Cena's Daughter (A WWE FanFiction) Editing!Where stories live. Discover now