Chapter 15

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Selena's POV

I sat on front porch crying my eyes out. "Sel, you alright?" I heard Sweetie ask. "Im fine." I nodded. He sighed." No your not. You wanna tell me what that was about?" "No." "Well your going to." He sat beside me. "Start talking!" "Taylor I don't wanna talk about I just wanna be alone." I explained. "Well it's impossible for me to leave you alone. I love you Selena."

"Ugh." I groaned. "Fine. Okay so When I first got here Randy and I were always flirting so then we started dating even though Nikki and John told us not to, then I got into a argument with Nikki, I left with Randy

we went to his place he tried to force me to have sex with him but then my dad came just in time and they started fighting, so the next day I went back home with Eve, I came back and started seeing Randy again." Then I paused and let out a sigh as I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Our relationship turned into an abusive one. A few days later found out I was pregnant. I excasped and ran into Eve. I told her everything. I mean seriously I like broke down and I couldn't believe I was telling my mom about all this bullshit." I sobbed.

"And why do you keep going back to him?" Taylor asked. "Because I love him. But don't worry Im never going back to him..I-I promise."


"Hey baby. You missed me?" Randy kissed my cheek. "Of course I did." I smiled. "How are both of my baby's?" He asked. "We're fine." I rubbed my stomach. "I gotta head out."

Ok so I know what all of you are thinking but I love him. I know I promised but its true love. We have a house together and he's not cheating or hurting me.

He left Eva. She was mad at first but me and her are cool. She hates Randy. I haven't talked to my dad but I've talked to Nikki. She said he misses me and I'm all he ever talks about now.

Taylor and I still hang out but sometimes he gets a attitude with me about staying with Randy. Everything's going great. Randy's changing and that's all that matter to me right now.

John Cena's Daughter (A WWE FanFiction) Editing!Where stories live. Discover now