Chapter 5.

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Selena's POV

"I need you by my side. Dont know how I'll survive. A day without you is like a year without rain." I sanged. We were in Chicago for Smackdown and I was on stage performing in front of everyone.

My fans, my mom, the wwe superstars and divas, most importantly my daddy. "And I need you here I can't stand another day without you. Its like a year without rain!" I smiled. This was my dads first time seeing me live because he's never been there.

This is why its so important to me. "Yeahhhhhhhhh!" I smirked as everyone clapped. "Now for my next song and all of you should know this. Mostly you John Cena aka daddy. You were there that one time and you heard me sing this song in my bedroom some years ago so here we go." I said looking directly at my dad.

"I wouldn't wanna be anybody else. I may be insecure but say I wasn't good enough or who are you to say..."

"I wouldn't wanna be anybody else. Na na na na na. Na na na na na. I'm no beauty queen I'm just beautiful me."

Hours Later.

"Sel you did great!" My dad exclaimed walking up to me. "I don't care about that I'm just glad you could make it daddy." I smiled hugging him.

"Babe you were great!" I heard someone say. I looked up. "Randy!" I smirked. "You told me you weren't gonna be here."

"Well Sel I changed my plans just for you." He said making me smile. Nikki rolled her eyes. "Okay Gomez we gotta go." "Nikki wait." "No now!" She said. To me it seemed like she yelled it. I walked up to her.

"What?" I asked. "I said lets go!" She shouted. "Dont you ever shout at me again! I'm not your fucking daughter and I don't want to be! You ruined everything! My family! Its because of you and you can't tell me what to do! Stay the hell away from me!" I yelled.

She gasped then slapped me. "Dont you ever talk to me like that again." "What is your problem? Did you slap me? I'm not your fucking daughter!" I yelled slapping her back.

"Selena what do you think your doing?!" My dad yelled yanking my arm. "She slapped me. Are you gonna take her side or mine? I'm your daughter, your little princess and your on her side!" I cried.

"Baby I didn't say that!" "You didn't have to John!" I shouted at him. I just shouted at my own father and he didn't do anything. Score! I looked at him in disgust and walked off with Randy.

Randy's POV

Selena was crying in my chest as we kept walking to my car. "Shh its okay." I whispered. Look At her . Shes like still at freaking kid. I'm not actually falling for her I just want to get in bed with her.

I don't care if she's 19 or 18 she's still hot. I bet she has a great body. After I get in bed with her then I'll just start avoiding her. that's what I did with Kelly Kelly I used her and started ignoring her. Its easy.

I was driving to the Hotel when Sel said something. "Randy have you ever had sex?" "Um yeah. Have you?" I asked. "No I'm a virgin. My daddy said he only wants me to have sex when I get married not before." She answered.

"Oh well your too sexy to still be a virgin." She laughed. "OMG Randy I'm only 18." She continued laughing. "Sel are you alright? You seem out of it." I smirked.

"Whatever." She said.


Selena's POV

We were laying in Randy's hotel room and he was laying so close behind me. He laid my leg between his and I could feel him growing hard. I tried not to laugh and began watching tv again. I could feel him watching me.

He rubbed his hand over my thigh. "Randy stop." I.whispered as he began kissing my neck. "Why?" He asked. "Because I'm not ready." I answered.

"Well I'm not gonna keep waiting." He said then pinned my arms over my head. He stripped me down to just my bra and panties. He slipped my panties off and rubbed right there. "Damn babe your so fucking wet."

"Stop." I repeated over and over. "Randy I said stop!" I screamed trying to push him off. He put some duck tape over my mouth and I felt something thrust into me."Get your ass off her!" I heard someone yell and the tape being yanked off my mouth.

"Daddy!" I yelled seeing him punching Randy. Blood was going everywhere. I only had on a bra and I was sweating with tears streaming down my face. I saw Nikki and ran into her embrace she wrapped a blanket around me. "Nicole I am so sorry." I cried.

"Shh. Lets get outta here. John lets go." She said. We all walked to the car in silence. . "DADDY I SAID IM SORRY! I DIDN'T KNOW HE WAS GOING TO DO THAT TO ME!" I cried more.

My dad started up the car and drove off. After that I cried myself to sleep.

John's POV

I looked back and saw Selena sleep. "You know maybe it was a bad idea to bring her on the road. First thing tomorrow I'm taking her back to Denver with Eve." I said to Nikki. She nodded. "Yeah that's the right thing to do. To keep her safe."

"I'm so sorry. So sorry daddy. Please. I-I love you." Nikki and I heard Selena say in her sleep. "Randy." She mumbled. "Stop." She said. "Sel stop talking in your sleep baby I'm taking you back with your mom don't worry." You wont get hurt now."

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