Chapter 18

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A Month Later

Selena's POV

"Waah." Two little babies cries filled the hospital room. Randy held the girl and I held the boy. I smiled down at him and I saw Randy crying.

"What are we going to name them?" He asked. I smiled. "Well we're gonna call this little guy Riley and her Kiley. Nicknames? Cupcake for Kiley or K and well Sweetie for Riley." I said.

"Oh no. We are now naming him after Taylor!" Randy said. "Why not? Hes my friend!" "No!" "Yes!"

3 Years Later

"Mommy!" I heard a voice shaking me. "Ugh. What is it now Sweetie?" I asked. "Cupcake not swaring wit me." He complained. "Daddy!" We heard Kiley down the hall. She came running into our room shaking Randy.

"What? Yeah baby?" He squinted. "Bother is taking my toys." She whined. "Ugh." Randy and I groaned. "Riley stop taking your sisters toys." Randy said laying back down. "No. Cupcake sweetie please share your toys with your brother." I smiled sweetly at her.

"No!" She stomped out of the room. "And no!" Riley stomped out slamming our door. "Randy! I can't take this anymore. They've been arguing all week and I haven't got any sleep!

We need a break!" I explained. "Your telling me." He mumbled. "But Selena we can sleep now since their down there." He said.

"Yeah-" "Mom!" "Dad!" We heard. "Spoke too soon." Randy said. "You always do!" I rolled my eyes and started walking into their room.


Nikki's POV

"Eve what are you doing here?" I opened the door. "John's not here and Selena lives around the corner." I quickly added.

"Yeah I um I know. I came to see you Nikki." She said. I could tell she was trying to fake smile. "Oh. Well come in." I stepped aside.

"Thanks. It looks lovely in here. I guess you did this because my John would never clean up this nice." She said. I chuckled. "What do you mean your John? Aren't you with Rener?" I asked.

"Oh yeah. You know that. I was just saying when I was with John he didn't clean up well. Anyway how's my baby and the kids?" She asked sitting on the couch.

I sat on the one across from her. "Fine. Maybe you should go over there and check. Yeah I think you should I gotta lot to clean up and I'm super busy so bye!" I pushed her out the door.

Eve's POV

"That bitch." I shook my head. I got in my car and drove to Selena's house.

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