Chapter 10-What's Wrong With Me

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Selena's POV

I was getting dress to go to my doctors appointment when Randy walked in. "Where are you going?" He asked. "To the doctor." I said.

"Don't you think your getting too dressed up for that?" He asked. I shrugged and rolled my eyes. "Why so grumpy Mr. Orton?" I asked. He sighed. "Here you go with this bullshit again!"

"What do you mean?" I asked "Nothing. Bye. Go! Aren't you suppose to be leaving?!" He asked. "Whatever!" I slammed the door.

John's POV

"You know I called Eve to check on Sel but you know what she said? She said 'Sel isn't here. I thought she was with you.'" I explained to Brie. She looked at me. "Weird right? I haven't seen her around all day."

"Well John I think I saw her the other day and then she ran off. Maybe you should talk to Nicole about it. She might be with Randy even though he's with Eva." She said. "Well John I gotta go. Bye."

As she left I started to wonder 'What if Selena is with Orton?' I need to find out. Soon!

Selena's POV

"So doc what's going on with me?" I asked. "Well Ms. Cena it seems here that the pain you've been having is because your well um......pregnant." I gasped in shock. "What?!"

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