Cinnamon Underscore

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Name: Cinnamon

Full Name: Cinnamon Underscore

Age: 15

Birthday: March 2 2007

Story Information: failed experiment...


Crush: unknown~

Gender: Genderfluid

Sexuality: pansexual

Species: Unknown

Soul Trait: unknown

Vessel Type: Side vessel?

Death Date(If Passed On/Optional): unknown

Hobbies: Unknown/TBD

Personality: TBD

Reflexes: Unknown

Clothing type: Unknown

Family Relationship(s): unknown they don't really have a family~

Siblings(Optional): unknown/none?

Closest Too: Kris or Susie???

House Details: None they don't sleep plus they adventure a lot

Triggers: Experiments,Scientists

Extra: they don't like when people ask about what's under the bandage

Backstory: I dunno they fell down the hole and got experimented on by a scientist when they were like 4-7

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