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Name: Candy

Nickname/nicknames: Cece

Gender: female

Pronouns: she/it/they

Age: 25

Sexuality: pansexual

Species: piglin

Personality: Candy is a sweet but strict person, she enjoys helping others but also doesn't want to help people who rely on people too much since if they rely so much on people than they will never figure out that they can do whatever they want to need to do on their own. They care for their brothers and would sacrifice their life for the three of them


Date of birth: April 9th

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Date of birth: April 9th

Hobby/hobbies: ??

Likes: flowers, blood, Violence, their family, animals, cold biomes

Dislikes: Orphans, government

Family: Techno (adoptive or brother figure), Tommy (adoptive or brother figure) (sort of Philza as well)

Friends: open/tbd

Enemies: unknown

Occupation: none?

Height: 6'1

Other: she sees Philza as a father figure and considers Ranboo a younger brother.

Headcannons/Fun Facts:

- Candy is able to shape shift in between human and piglin.

- Candy has voices however their not as bad as Technos.

(Hmm that's all of them for now, if you have any ideas for headcannons/fun facts then go ahead and share them! I'd like to know what you think.)

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