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Name: Obsidian

Nicknames: Obs, Ob, Ian

Gender: male/nonbinary?

Appearance: Obsidian has light black colored hair paired with a set of white eyes, it is unknown to many why he has them as Obsidians are known to be pure black and have no other color in it. They wear a simple long sleeved purple sweater that could be classified as a hoodie or jacket, it is paired with a set of comfortable black pants. He wears boots as he normally adventures around when he isn't sleeping and he thinks boots would help with climbing things better.

 He wears boots as he normally adventures around when he isn't sleeping and he thinks boots would help with climbing things better

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Gem: Obsidian 

Gem location: in his left eye

abilities: Truth enhancing(a bit like a truth potion or something), Negative absorption (he basically absorbs negativity), Being able to relieve stress quickly (as in being able to relieve his own and others stress)

Weapon: anything? He doesn't really have a specific weapon

Personality: Obsidian is known to be calm and collected, at times he can be disoriented but it doesn't happen often. He sleeps when ever he gets the chance to as it helps him gain the energy to use his abilities if needed. Obsidian is quiet and doesn't like talking a lot, if someone's lucky they might be able to find him talking.

Crush: Amethyst or Jasper

Height: at least 6 or 7 feet

Voice claim:

Other: none that I can think of

Backstory: uhh probably a work in progress and might never be finished

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