Solace Casket

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Full name: Solace Moon Casket

Name: Solace Casket

Nickname: Sol

Age: looks to be 16-18 b hut in reality he's pretty old- probably some where in the hundreds.

Gender and pronouns: Male, he/they


Personality: Solace is a fierce and short tempered person, they're quick on their feet and always gets the job done no matter what that job is

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Personality: Solace is a fierce and short tempered person, they're quick on their feet and always gets the job done no matter what that job is. Due to their short temper they are often yelled at, so they won't stand down no matter what the problem or situation is. Despite their short temper and fierce personality they can be soft, and kind but they sure as hell won't show it to people due to others often taking advantage of others. They can be polite and try not to get angry often but somethings just really piss them off and they aren't afraid to call people out or yell if needed. They are quite gentle when it comes to things they like as well as possessive/obsessive. They can be a handful at times due to that most people stay away from them and don't associate themselves with them.

Height: 5'9

Weight: 145.1 pounds?

Hair color: Brown and blue

Eye color: red?

Tattos/birthmarks/piercings: ears are pierced, they also have a heart shaped birthmark on their shoulder.

Distinctive features: their eyes, they stand out the most.

Birthday: September14th

Place of birth: Australia.

Likes: Writing, reading, learning new things, music, writing stories.

Dislikes: Loud noises, people invading their personal space, eavesdropping

Hobbies: Writing, photography.

What they do with their spare time: Write.

Student identification number: 666666

Superhuman/supernatural creature: supernatural.

Are their parents superhuman or a supernatural creature: supernatural.

What type of supernatural creatures are they? Include what their parents are: they are a Demon, their mother is a human while their father is a Demon.

What abilities do they have:
• possession
• enhanced senses
• super strength?
• Voice mimicry.
• Reality shifting
• Shape-shifting.

Do they have control of their abilities: nope. And if they do then it's not the best control

What are their weaknesses:
• Holy water
• Iron
• salt.

Previous education: Solace has had previous education at a school in Australia.

Childhood: Solace had a normal childhood, or well as normal as a childhood could be when your a demon.

Did they have a good childhood: Ehh sort of?

Favorite childhood memory: learning how to read and write

Least favorite memory: their parents getting a divorce.

• Damien Casket (father)
Lilith Jackson (mother)
​​​​​​• Kali Casket (half-sister)

Pet: none

Sexuality: pansexual, panromantic

Relationship status: single.

What they look for in a friend: Someone who would listen and tell them to shut up when their being stupid.

What they look for in a partner: Someone who's willing to deal with them, as well as love them just to love them.

Future with partner: Unknown.

Smut yes or no: yes? I'm not really sure, I'm not too interested in it. I'd be willing to try it out but I have my worries about it since as far as I'm aware sexual content in general isn't really allowed?? Or at least I'm pretty sure it isn't.

Turn ons: unknown

Turn offs: unknown

Virgin or no: Virgin.

Sexual position: Switch, mainly a bottom but can be a top at times.

Any special requests: nope

Extra information: none.

Backstory: Solace was born into a decent family money wise, they weren't poor and they weren't rich. Their family was normal until their parents had started fighting regularly, they eventually couldn't take it anymore and got a divorce, their father had gotten custody of them. Their father had gotten remarried ad had a child which turned out to be Kali.

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