Everest Krämer

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The Human?

Publisher: Grell the drug dealer/j

At first glance you probably won't think much of them. But what if I told you there was more to them then meets the eye? Dig a little deeper and get to know them won't you? Come, stay a while.

                                                       TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                                  i. the prologue . . . . . . . . . .1
                                                 ii. the appearance. . . . . . . . . .2
                                                iii. the persona. . . . . . . . . .3
                                                 iv. the backstory. . . . . . . . . .4
                                                  v. the relationships. . . . . . . . . .5
                                                vi. the trivia. . . . . . . . . .6
                                               vii. the gallery. . . . . . . . . .7
                                              viii. the epilogue . . . . . . . . . .8


NAME : their name had been given to them by their brother rather that their mother. The name Everest is from English origin, it means 'dweller on the eure river' due to them being born by a river. Anna originally wanted to name them 'Zenith (highest point above the celestial sphere)' but Alistair had been persistent on naming them Everest. Their middle name is Everett which means 'brave, sting boar' it is of old English origins. And their last name is Krämer which means 'small trader, dealer' I believe it is of German origin
        NICKNAMES :  They don't have many nicknames given their names though others tend to call them 'Evi' or 'Ever' if they don't want to say their name. Enid tends to call her 'Ev' as she says it is supposed to be a quick and easy nickname. Bianca usually just calls them 'Wildcard' as there is never a sign of when they'll change.
AGE : Everest is... Pretty old, their species ages slower than others, making them pretty old in terms of humans and such. How ever they look to be in their teenage years to which in their species they are in their teenage years.
BIRTHDAY : December 20th
        ZODIAC : Capricorn
GENDER : Non-binary
        PRONOUNS : they/them
        ROMANTIC ORIENTATION :Omniromantic
ETHNICITY : Caucasian
        NATIONALITY : German
SPECIES : Shapeshifter Human.
      - Everest has a talent for looking like others, no matter what they always seen to get it right, basically never getting it wrong, they always just tell others that their just that good but in reality it's something else.
        - The individual has always really had easy times imagining things but when it came to drawing they weren't really good but the more they practiced it the more it improved.
        -  Everest is pretty good at drawing, they had taught themselves how to draw. It was a bit hard at first and they kept scraping the paper but soon enough they got better and better at it.
        - Their also pretty good at fighting, they were taught by their adoptive parents how to defend and counter, it didn't take too long before they got a hold of it. They understand the basics but their not a complete master at it.

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