Rowan Rodriguez

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Real world Name: Rowan River Rodriguez

Dream world Name: Treasure


• 15-16 (Real world)
• 13-14 (Dream world)

Gender: Male (ftm)

Species: Human


Dream world appearance:

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Dream world appearance:

But in different colors that match with the dream world plus somewhat shorter hair

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But in different colors that match with the dream world plus somewhat shorter hair.

Appearance/outfit? Description: Rowan is a somewhat tall individual, he has semi long hair which is light brown in color along with dull light brown red eyes like cinnamon? His outfit consists of a regular white shirt. His hands are slightly covered in a few bracelets. He wears a pair of black pants along with a pair black boots.

Love interest: Kel

Voice claim: Lydia The Bard

Theme song: Shiny from Moana


• Flowers
• Shiny things
• Wood Crafting
• Journaling
• Crystals
• Drawing
• Snow
• Mythology and Folklore
• Jewelry making
• Animals
• Storytelling
• Piercings
• Seashells

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