Ren Aoki

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Like usual the art isn't mind nor is the video at the end
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❝ quotes ❞
◈ "unless you need something from me I recommend leaving me alone. Tata!"
◈ "Hmm? Oh! Did you need something or are you just here to annoy me? "

❝ catchphrase ❞
◈ "I learned at a very young age if I talk for long enough I make anything right or wrong, so either I'm god or truth is relevant, either way Booya." (Totally not taken from the Netflix series called Community-)


◆ name ◆
◈Ren Aoki◈

◆ reputation ◆

◆ personality ◆
◈Ren is a calm Individual, they usually give out information to people who want it as she doesn't really have anything to do with it so why not spread it? However they won't give it out for free, you'd have to give them something of value for the information. They seem nice but in reality their sort of rude, they don't like being social unless it's to give information but even then their still bothered. Their sort of like Info-Chan but doesn't really stay hidden from, and doesn't give out stuff like items, only information. They know Info-Chan but they don't talk to her often. They have a lot of information about a lot of things so when it comes to needing information they are definitely the person to go to but you'd ave to be specific about what you want to know. Ren isn't one to tell on people, so if they were to find someone doing something illegal they wouldn't tell the police, instead they'd just walk the other way and act as of they didn't see anything.◈

◆ crush/love interest ◆
◈Umeji(can't fucking remember his last name)◈

◆ club ◆
◈Drama Club◈

◆ self-defense ◆
◈they usually keeps a switch blade in their pockets, however they're not afraid to use their fists◈

◆ class ◆

◆ seated ◆
◈in the back◈

◆ additional information ◆
◈ They call basically everyone, darling, dear, ect. ◈

◆ to seeing a weapon (bloody or not) ◆
◈ probably clean it if it was bloody, if not then leave it alone

◆ to seeing a bloody uniform ◆
◈ They'd leave it be

◆ to pools of blood ◆
◈ They'd question it but probably not do anything about it.

◆ to low sanity ◆
◈ no idea

◆ to panty shots ◆
◈ They don't really understand it, especially since Info-chan is the one asking for panty shots.

◆ to witnessing murder ◆
◈ Slowly back away and act like nothing happened, probably

◆ to dead bodies/body parts ◆
◈ dunno

◆ to getting attacked ◆
◈ fight back

◆ to yandere chan dumping water ◆
◈ they couldn't careless, it wasn't them that's getting dunked with water.

◆ to yandere chan dumping gasoline ◆
◈ they wouldn't be surprised if Yan-chan dropped a match next.

◆ to yandere chan dumping blood ◆
◈ no idea-

◆ to being kidnapped ◆
◈ no clue

◆ to being offered octo-dogs ◆
◈ probably deny it

◆ to getting your picture taken ◆
◈ she wouldn't care.

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