Willow Royal

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I was too lazy to do the lyrics I usually do on here sadly :(

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date started : Thursday, December 28th, 2023, 6:35 am

date finished : Thursday, December 28th, 2023, 9:14 pm?

                    ↷ ⁞ basic information

full name : Willow Atlas Royal

Wil - low
At - lass
Roy - all


Willow - Willow Tree, freedom
Atlas - Bearer of the heavens
Royal - king?



Species: human

Age: 17

Birthday: 19th of December

Gender: Male

Pronouns: he/they mainly he/him

Sexual orientation: pansexual

Romantic orientation: panromantic

Place of birth: Sherwood, Ohio???

Occupation: ?

                    ↷ ⁞ appearance

Height: 6'6

Hair color: black and red

Hair length: long

Hair style: usually down

Hair type: messy and fluffy

Eye color: yellow

Skin tone: dark?

Body shape: ??

Birth marks: none?

Scars: none really? Maybe a few from fighting

Tattoos: none

Piercings: multiple on his ears plus one or two on the face, two lip piercings

Overall Appearance:

Overall Appearance:

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