Odette Nora Victor

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Full name: Odette Nora Victor

Preferred name: Odette or Opal

Age: 7-9

Height: 3'11?

Gender: Female

Sexuality: unknown, most likely lesbian

Pronouns: she/her

Personality: Odette could be defined as a sheltered child, She is quite innocent when it comes to adult things and such. Much like her older sister she is adventurous and risk-taking, she doesn't take many risks as she's afraid of hurting peoples feelings but that mainly depends on what she'd be risking. She is quite curious about the world and new things, she will always take the chance to see new places unless not given the chance or told not to take the chance. She follows what her sister or parents ask her to do as she loves then and shows it through her actions. She strives to be like her sister when she grows up as she sees her sister as a good and caring person which is who Odette hopes to be.

Appearance/Face Claim:

Physical issues: none?

Mental issues: dyslexic (I dunno if it would count as a mental issues

Civilian or other: Civilian

Casual clothes:

Formal clothes:

Accessories: Hairpin given to her by her older sister Veronica

• Music
• Drawing
• her sister and parents being happy
• seeing others happy
• Flower
• Colorful things

• Her parents arguing/fighting
• Loud sounds
• Bad things
• seeing she cares for/loves being unhappy/sad
• people getting hurt
• Animals being hurt

Phobias: Phonophobia(fear of loud sounds), hurting peoples feelings

Backstory: dunno what to do for this

Thoughts on parents: Odette loves them and hopes they get through whatever it is that's making them argue.

Thoughts on others: ??

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