Elias Moreno

15 1 0

Name: Elias Moreno

Nicknames: Eli

Height: 5'5

Age: 15

Gender: male

Sexuality: pansexual

Pronouns: he/it

Gift: none

(Adoptive)Family: Laura Moreno(mother), Gabrio Moreno(father), Alicia Moreno(sister)

Friends: Camilo, Mirabel, Antonio, and a few other unnamed villagers



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ersonality: nice, Sarcastic, artistic, Creative

Likes: Camilo, painting & drawing, food

Dislikes: Bugs/insects, Noisy places/Crowds

Crush: Camilo

Habits: biting his nails, Talking to himself

Fears/Phobias: Losing the people he loves

His triggers: none that has been known

Songs: depends?

Voice Claim: Ena (happy)

Theme Song:

Other: he enjoys painting near ponds or out in nature cuz it gives him inspiration,He sometimes sells his paintings to help his family with the money, he helps his mother to try out the new clothes she makes, very easy to frighten

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