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Name: Silvia

Nicknames: Silv, Sliver

Age: Depends of the Rp but most likely a young adult

Gender: Genderfluid

Pronouns: she/he/they

Sexuality: pansexual/panromantic

Occupation: she works in the inn/bar as a part time job

Species: Shapeshifter


(like always, not my art)

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(like always, not my art)

Weapons: ??

Personality: Stubborn, cunning, smart thinker, quick thinker, trigger happy?, affectionate?, Independent, confident, sneaky, protective, kind to children/people, ambiverted, rude?, weird

Likes: children(not in a weird way ya weirdos), affection, sparing, bloodshed, adventures, cuddles

Dislikes: pervs, sexism, racism, paedophilia/pedophilia, abuse

Height: 6'8

Abilities: Her physical strength, fast, flexible, good hearing, good eyesight (something I don't have HA-)

Other: she is often found out in the woods or working at the Tavern named 'The Lyre Tavern' in the village.

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