Mint Hope

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I bite at the hand that feed me, Slap at the hand that eats me


Full name: Mint Clementine Hope

Reason for name:

Mint is a gender-neutral of Latin origin that means Mentha herb. It also has Greek and Latin roots and means defender or yielding to prayer. Mint evokes romanticism, humility and sociability.
Clementine is a name of French and Latin origin. The name derives from the Latin word, ‘Clemens,’ meaning ‘merciful.’ The name in Latin may also mean ‘mild’ or ‘gentle.’ It is also the feminine form of the name Clement.
The name Hope is of English origin and means "desire of fulfillment".


Minty (some people)
• Clementine (almost everyone)
Peppermint (some people)

Date of birth: August 3rd


Name: Mint Hope



Race/Species: Wolf/dog hybrid

Age: 16

Gender: Genderfluid

Sexuality: Lesbian/gay

Occupation: none?

Love interest: depends on the rp

Voice claim:

Personality: Mint is a loyal and honest person, they dislike lying or being lied to but
if it's needed than they'll lie, but ONLY if it's necessary. They are very playful but also Alert, they always want to be able to protect either themself or others if they can. They are resourceful and prefer not to waste anything that could come in use at a later date. They are obedient and stubborn, they normally listen to orders and such but they are stubborn depending on the task that they are given. They can be hesitant depending on the situation and that could make them slow which means there's a chance it might cost them their live which is the reason why they prefer being on their toes and doing things quickly. They are a bit impatient but for a good reason as people could be in danger but their taking to long and they become impatient.


Overall appearance:

Overall appearance:

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