Nico (different form)

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Name: Nico

nickname: Neeks

Age: 10

gender: male

Pronouns: he/it

Sexuality: Panromantic, Asexual

Looks: Long teal-ish blue hair, A bright but dull hot pink colored eyes, he wears the Camp Campbell outfit, he normally keeps his hair in a bun or pony tail,Rose bud skin, he has freckles scattered around his body.

Personality: Nico is curious on what the outdoors hold and whenever he get the chance to to explore it he'll take it,Nico is nice but also a bit rude depending on how he feels,Like his sister he is energetic, he enjoys adventuring when he can.

Likes: the outdoors, swift and blinding violence, animals, his family

Dislikes: Being touched,being alone,sugar

Fears/phobias: Being alone,Losing his sister

Family: Candy(mother), Nikki(sister) Friends: Neil, Max, a few others

Acquaintances: Max, Neil, David, Gwen

Frenemies: David and Neil

Enemies: Wood scouts, Flower scouts, Gwen(he simply Doesn't like her)

Crush: Neil?

Camper or Counselor: Camper

Camp : Adventure Camp/Camp Campbell?

Backstory(sorta): Nico is 10 years-old and him and his sister Nikki have already bitten more people than they can count. His original idea was to be heading to Adventure Camp like the brochure promised, but like the fate of most of the other campers, he got sent to Camp Campbell instead. Nico and Nikki were originally part of the Flower Scouts the year before. Due to their adventurous nature and affinity for getting a bit rowdy, the other scouts did not enjoy them being part of the association. They kicked them out and Nikki now has described the experience being traumatic and the Flower Scouts being the place "where happiness goes to die" (to which Nico agrees with her saying that it was a place where Happiness goes to die).

bio: Nico is the brother of Nikki, like Nikki he inherited his mothers Hair and eye color however Nico and Nikki inherited their skin color from their father(I think lets just say that sense we don't know what Nikki's father looks like).

Voice claim:

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