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(but with the aspects/features of a sheep such as fluffy ears, horns, ect)

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(but with the aspects/features of a sheep such as fluffy ears, horns, ect)

Full Name: Moon Royal Lopez

Nickname(s): Moony, Lopez

Preferred name(s): Moon or Moony

Personality: Moon is a quiet and collected person, he doesn't speak much but that doesn't stop at him from not helping others. He is normally either in the library or somewhere in the forest, he doesn't like crossing others boundaries and often tries not to.

Pronouns: he/they (he/him, they/them)
Gender: male

Gender assigned at birth: male

Age: possibly 20+?

Romantic orientation: Panromantic

Sexual orientation: Pansexual

Polyamorous or Monogamous: Monogamous but doesn't mind Polyamous

Species: White Sheep Hybrid

Race: Uhh unknown?

Nationality: ??

Birthplace: ??

Hometown: A village

Did oc move around a lot: sort of

Current living place: A cottage deep in a forest

Does oc move around a lot: not really

House aesthetic: they don't really have one

Is house/room messy or organized: organized

Job/occupation: None but probably either a traveler or a merchant

Skills: hunting, archery, fighting

Habits: talking to themself, playing with their hair or cape/cloak

Hobbies: gardening, reading, ect

Social status: ambivert leaning on introvert

Mental disorders: None

Mental state: good/Okay

Backstory: work in progress

Earliest memory: ??

Favorite memory: ???

Scarring moment(s): ??

Have they changed a lot since childhood: maybe?

Oc's first word(s): A sheep noise-

How did oc learn them: on instinct

Who heard them: his parents

Mother(s): Coral

Father(s): Neil

Parent(s): Coral and Neil

Sibling(s): two older twin sisters named Lunar and Eclipse

Best friend(s): ?

Friend(s): ?

Enemy(ies): ?

how does oc deal with stress: unsure

Comforts for oc: unsure

Nervous habits of oc: playing with their hair or cape/cloak

Eye color: a very light baby part blue

Eye shape: round

Vision: good

Does oc wear glasses/contacts/both: nope 

Hair color: black and blonde/yellow

Hair length: longish

Hairstyle: down

Skin color: tan from the sun

Body shape: unsure

Height: 6'8 or 7'8

Tattoo(s): none

Piercing(s): a lot on their ears

Freckle(s): none

Face claim: at the start of this
Speaking voice claim: Herb Cookie(english) from cookie run kingdom

Singing voice claim: ????

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