Veronica Mae Victor

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Full name: Veronica Mae Victor

Preferred name: Veronica or Vix

Age: 15

Height: 5'10

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual, monogamous

Pronouns: she/her

Personality: Veronica is a rather friendly young lady, she'll gladly help anyone in need. Despite her families issues she doesn't seem to be too affected, however her coping mechanism is smoking. She knows it's not good but she does it because it helps her calm down, she doesn't like her younger sister being around her when she does this and doesn't want her sister or parents to find out about it. She can be very rude at times to people depending on what they did to her. Veronica is adventurous and risk-taking, she isn't afraid to take risks every now and then depending on what the risk is. She is also protective of her younger sister and doesn't want her to be hurt, nor does she want to see her little sister afraid, she tries to keep her sisters innocence and not let her know of things she doesn't need to know about.

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Physical issues: none?

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Physical issues: none?

Mental issues: none?

Civilian or other: Civilian

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