Rowan Shinso

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Name: Rowan Shinso

Hero name: Jumble

Age: 15-16

Gender: Non-binary

Pronouns: they/them

Sexuality: pansexual

Personality: Rowan is a relaxed and quiet individual, they prefer to be with family or on their own. They don't go places to make friends but sometime they end up with new friends but not often, They can be protective of their family and friends. They dislike people talking bad about their family and would probably end up in a fight cause of that, it wouldn't be the first time it happened. They can be described as pessimistic but they aren't they just normally think of things that might happen, they are patient with people and things but they don't want to be too over patient. They are a bit aggressive with things whether their passionate about or not passionate with. They can be stupid thinking but that doesn't mean it doesn't work with some plans.


Parents: Hitoshi Shinso and Denki Kaminari

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Parents: Hitoshi Shinso and Denki Kaminari

Siblings: Pluto/open

Quirk name: Power Jumble

​​​​​Quirk: The ability to disrupt electrical fields, including the ones in the human body and brain, being able to manipulate the emotions of anyone to cause anxiety, fear, pain or even induce sleep by manipulating their own bio-electric field, the user can produce electromagnetic pulses from their body to short out electricity or turn powered devices on and off, the quirk can only operate within a certain radius and if overused can cause severe headaches and potentially short-circuit the users own brain.


pollen allergy - spring is horror to them

Lacking teamwork skills - they prefer to work alone as it's easier to focus but sometimes teamwork could be used depending on the situation.

Scared of losing control - they dislike losing control of their quirk and are a bit scared of what would happen. Making them very cautious with alcohol and such

Backstory: Rowan is one of the younger of the Shinso siblings. they were created via a Quirk that allows same sex parents to have biological children through a form of an artificial womb, they were shown love as soon as they were brought into the world. They were generally happy, they were mostly quiet but enjoyed listening to others. The first problem they had got was their quirk. It was hard for them to control, they would just exist and suddenly, the lights would go out. It was especially bad when they had nightmares. Not only did those make them spiral enough to break lamps, but they got quite bad shorts circuits which ended up with one of their parents having to help them. Which was normally Denki since he wasn't quite bothered by their quirk unlike Hitoshi. It was a hard time until they learned to control it. They were forced and scared into taking quirk training. They had doubts regarding their quirk and how it could be useful. Even if their dad was a great hero and teacher, they feared about it being enough and using it.

Hero or Villain: Hero

Other: none that I can think of right now

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