131 10 16

Busan, South Korea

I recall when I was 11, I was walking home from school holding an umbrella by myself as it started to drizzle. As soon as I entered my neighborhood, I spotted three boys my age beating up another boy, presumably my age too. I was new in the area, so I was not familiar with their faces. I saw them bullied and punched the boy's face repeatedly as they continued to laugh. I stopped to observe them for a bit in case they would notice me and stop, but they didn't, and the boy who was getting beaten up squatted as he ducked his head, unable to defend himself.

​I gathered my courage to approach them, trying my best to intervene. This behaviour shouldn't be normalised.

"Hey! Stop!" I yelled, the trio abruptly stopped and turned around to see me. Without a word, the leader gulped his spat nervously, then he instructed his subordinate to flee the scene of chaos alongside him.

"Hey! You can't just leave like that!" I shouted as soon as they sprinted on the pavement, worried about their own reputation, perhaps.

I sighed exasperatedly, I made my way closer towards the boy who was getting beaten up.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He slowly lifted up his head. I was surprised to learn that he had got a nosebleed. Though his cheeks were kind of purplish from the bruise, I could tell that he was cute. He had an oval-shaped face, his eyes were rather smaller than mine, but I must say that's what makes him look cute. Also, his hair was straight,black in colour, and he got a bowl haircut, making him look extra adorable.

He nodded.

"Oh my god, you're not. Your nose.. you need a treatment, please follow me"

"N-no I'll be fine"

"No, come on, I have a home remedy for it" I insisted, the drizzle slowly turned into moderate rain. The two of us walked on the pavement under my umbrella as I held it tightly while on our way back to my residence. I must say I never saw him before. I wonder if he resided nearby.

"Did you live around here?" I asked.

"Yeah, not in this neighbourhood though"

"But you lived in this district, right?"

He nodded.

"You shouldn't let yourself be attacked and humiliated like that. I swear if I got the opportunity, I would kick their ass mercilessly. This foot of mine was specifically made for that-"

I heard him chuckle a little, my heart skipped a beat as I glanced at him. Oh my god, the way he smiled truly melted my soul. Automatically, a smile was carved into my face...

The two of us made it to my residence. My mum was at work at that moment.

"Wow, your house is nice" he commented as his gaze danced around his surroundings.

"Thanks. where did you live specifically?"

"Well I could walk you there, I'm bad at explaining" He replied.

"Okay, but after I'm done repairing your nose"

"Okay" He smiled a little.

I went straight to my mum's room where she typically would save some gauze. I grabbed several gauze, then I returned to the living room where he sat on his knees.

I approached him right away, then I sat facing him; my heart raced, there was no explanation for it. I touched his chin, it was soft, he then shut his eyes as I placed one of the gauze in his nostrils. I pressed it softly to avoid further bleeding. Yeah, I'm no expert, but at least I helped him.

10 minutes later

"Do you want ramyeon? I have a-"

"I'm full, thank you" He responded politely.

"I think you need to eat, it seemed like you're starving"

"Only if you eat, I will"

"I will eat, I'm a monster when it comes to eating" I stated jokingly, a smile carved on his face once again. Perhaps he found what I said amusing. But that was done on purpose. I enjoyed making him smiling after I saw what he'd been through...

"So please wait in here as I boiled the noodles, okay?"

"Okay" He nodded.

I went straight to the kitchen, boiled two packs of ramyeon in one sauce pan...

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