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Years later
Seoul, South Korea

I relocated to Seoul a couple of months ago with my mother ever since she got promoted from her job. Finding a new high school for me was quite tough at first, but fortunately, I enrolled in one of the local high schools. I made friends, but not a boyfriend, just yet at least. Sure, I dated during my middle school years, but I didn't really have feelings for all of my exes. When we broke up, there were no emotions or sadness inside me, oddly.

That fateful night, I was on my way home from a study session at a local course. They helped me finish my homework and study for an upcoming exam. I typically would walk past a crowded bridge where vehicles could be seen driving back and forth in their lane.

As I walked on the bridge, my stomach growling, I was just so starving.. my thoughts were filled with that one Chinese restaurant that I could call for delivery.

From afar, I spotted a boy wearing the same school uniform as me, possibly he was on his way home.

My stomach started to growl, a sign that I needed to get some gimmari before I passed out. I jogged on the bridge, as I rushed back home... by accident, I bumped onto his shoulder due to how clumsy I was.

"Oh my god, sorry"

I glanced at him to see a familiar face I couldn't pinpoint. His eyes darted at me in surprise, as if he recognised me but was unsure about it.

"It's okay" his deep yet soulful voice was so nice to hear.

I quickly turned around without a word and sprinted...

Who's that guy? Why did he looked so familiar? Was it a deja vu? Ugh..doesn't make much sense to me. Perhaps I'm starving and that's all, my brain started to create some fake scenario.

The following morning

My mum dropped me off in front of the school gates. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car. I made my way inside school, so far I loved Seoul with it's hustle and bustle. I've always loved a big city, and I never once thought that I'd achieved the Korean dream by living here.

"Gooddd moooorningggg" ​Seohyeon, my close friend, greeted me.

"Oh hey! You surprised me" I replied.

"Well, I'm in a happy mood today, and guess why?"

"Seong Woo accepted your love?" I stated jokingly.

"Ugh how I craved for that! But that's not it"

"What, then?"

"Well... my parents granted my wish to enter cosmetology school" She replied.

My pupils dilated, "You're joking"

She giggled, "See? nobody believed me at first!"

"Oh god, congratulations!"

The two of us made it into the school corridor, filled with students. Our class was located on the corner. Seohyeon and I entered the classroom, then the two of us sat at our desks. As soon as the bell rang, our homeroom teacher, Ms.Kang, entered the class carrying her documents.

"Good morning class" she greeted us formally.

"Morning ms" everyone simply replied.

"Before I started today's lesson, I'd like someone to do me a favour. I forgot something in the teacher's office. Could someone volunteer to go get my phone?" She announced, but everyone seemed reluctant.

"It's okay, I'm the one who asked you for it and I'll back it up for you. Anyone?"

I stood up.

"Ha Eun? Thank you" she smiled.

I nodded, everyone stared at me in surprise. They were scared of accusations but I'm not, as long as I'm truthful, I'll be alright.

I exited my class, and made my way to the teacher's room. I walked past the P.E changing room for males, I could hear boys from another class talking and laughing from the inside. I entered the teacher's room, several teachers were occupied grading their student's homework. I went straight to Ms Kang's desk and opened her drawer to get her phone.

"Ha Eun, what are you doing?" Mr Oh asked me.

"Ugh, Ms Kang asked me to get her phone" I replied.

Mr Oh then stared at me for a bit, trying to detect a hint of deception from me. But since I didn't display any signs of being deceptive, he let me go. I put Ms Oh's phone in my uniform's suit pocket, then I rushed out of the teacher's room...

I exited the teacher's room as I hastened my footsteps. The corridor was now filled with athletic boys after they changed into their P.E's.... It was an awkward atmosphere being the only girl who walked among them. I ducked my head hoping to reach my class as soon as possible.

I'M THAT JEALOUS GFWhere stories live. Discover now