30 6 3

5 days later

Hyunbin had told me that for the next couple of days he would be occupied since he joined a gym programme at the local gym, directly trained by a professional trainer. I was really worried that there might be a cute girl who had joined the programme as well, but on the phone call last night he giggled and told me not to worry about it.

That afternoon, I was simply housesitting in total boredom, doing nothing all day other than texting Seohyeon, who spent her summer days in Incheon. I opened my Kakao talk, to see if Hyunbin replied to my last text that was sent 5 hours ago. Unfortunately, he hasn't. Ugh, he must've been so occupied by the training.

I needed to join a cooking course or something while he was at the gym training to keep myself occupied, I guess. I googled several cooking courses that were open this summer...

As I continued to scroll down, Hyunbin finally replied.

"Sorry I can't call tonight, love. I'm very exhausted"

What? My heart started to race as soon as I read that. Something wasn't right about his text. Though the training started several days ago, he always managed to call me, but today, he was unable to. The activity was precisely the same. I see no excuses for being that exhausted.

"What did you do at the gym today?"

I'm staring at my phone screen, waiting for his reply. However, he hasn't read my text yet, so I locked my phone upsetly. I just couldn't sleep without talking to him, it's not that I was spoiled, but rather I got anxious, thinking that at that time he might be doing something with someone else...

Seohyeon suddenly called me...

"Hello?" I picked up her calls.

"Ayyy.. how have you been?" She sounded excited as per usual.

"Not really good honestly"

"What's going on? I thought things between you and Hyunbin are smoother than silk"

"Yeah at first, he was busy at the gym now and he replied to my text super late" I grunted.

"Come on... give him some space. he was at the gym, not bar.. listen, you're his childhood friends, right? I'm his high school acquaintances I barely knew him at first but seriously, I'm a good judge of characters. You have to trust me when I said he was worth it"

"Thanks.. but I just can't get my mind straight. I couldn't stop thinking of him meeting cute girl at the gym" I shamelessly confessed.

Seohyeon laughed on the line, "I understand your concern but seriously, someone like him would never do that. I recalled Ms Kang gave him an A+ for his behaviour and honesty"


That's still not enough to convince me...

"Of course! You have to trust your boyfriend. I trusted Tae Ung, no matter what he said he did. He always send me the evidence of what he was doing without I'm asking" Seohyeon stated.

That's it.. Hyunbin never actually captured the gym... I better ask him which gym that he was trained at...

"You're completely right, I was just being paranoid. Anyway, I have to go. Talk to you later, thank you for being my best friend" I replied.

"Okay please do text me and let me know if anything happens!"

"Will do!" I ended up the call.

I opened Hyunbin's chat, then I typed...

"In which gym are you ?"


Hours later>>>>>

​It's almost 11 pm, the time when we would make a late night phone call. I lay on my bed, couldn't stop staring at our Kakao talk conversation where he left my last message delivered. What is he doing right now? This is truly upsetting. By accident, I called his Kakao talk... and to my surprise, I saw a notification saying "this person was on another call".

My heart skipped a beat as my pupils dilated in disbelief, he hasn't replied to my text but he was on another call?

​I immediately ended the call... that's it. I'm so mad at him. I locked my phone, and forced myself to sleep, but I just couldn't. Who's the person he talked to during that phone call? Why would he ignore my text? Was he laughing with another girl on a phone call right now? He hasn't told me the gym location, nor sent me a picture of him actually being there, which means he could manipulate it..

In conclusion, he's seeing someone new, and I'll find out about her.

The following morning

I checked my phone immediately, unlocked the screen and opened my Kakao talk. He replied 1 hour ago, after ignoring me all night.

"Jamsil gym"

What? Is that what he has to say? No more words or good morning text like usual? He didn't even answer my questions regarding the activities he did at the gym.

Anyway, I googled Jamsil gym immediately and the result popped up. I was shocked to see the rating. Most people that joined the sports training programme there rated it 4 to 5 stars due to the charming looking female trainer. I screenshotted the address of Jamsil gym and I'll pay a visit this afternoon, right after I finished my lunch and see if he was actually there.



"Ha Eun! Ha Eun! Breakfast's ready!" My mum yelled from the dining table where the kitchen was also located.

"Coming, mum!" I stood up and exited my room.

My heart raced harshly. Just who was the person he talked to last night? Why didn't he clarify anything??? Why did he ignore my questions? If my conclusion was right, I'm not taking things lightly. I'll hunt them down...

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